Chapter 129

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A/n okay so I have an idea for the next fan fiction..... How do we feel about solider!Shawn? It's a thought that I really like. I hope you like it too. But please let me know. I have a pretty good plot but I would love to know your opinions.

Callie POV
I sit outside my house not wanting to go in. I hate that my dad hid something from me. I hate that he kept something from me. I hate it so much.
Shawn's hand never left mine. He knew I wasn't up for going back home. He knew I wanted to cuddle up to him and never leave his side.
But he also knew that I need to resolve what is going with my dad.
I let out a sigh and look at him with my sad eyes.
Shawn: "don't give me that look. Those green eyes kill me" I smile weakly and he brings my face over to his.
Shawn: "I love you." He kisses me sweetly "-I will stay here until you tell me I can go" He looks at me through his lashes.  I nod and kiss his sweetly.
I walk into my home with my dad and Terrie sitting on the couch.
Dad: "where were you young lady?" I get to the first step of the staircase and start to walk
Me: "I was out"
Dad: "EXCUSE ME! I'M TALKING TO YOU! CALLIE ROXANNE WINTERS GET BACK HERE" I roll my eyes and walk back down stairs and cross my arms. I flop on the couch letting out a sigh.
Terrie leaves the room with the twins and let's us have privacy.
Dad: "im sorry. I'm sorry i kept something from you. I was just protecting my daughter"
Me: "okay but, you knew how I feel about her. And what did you think I would never find out. I did. And don't hate me for wanting my mom.
Dad: "Callie i don't hate you,i could never but I'm trying to protect you from falling."
Me: "no! You're suffocating me. Don't prevent it me from falling, because one day I will fall so hard I'll practically break and you won't be there to catch me as always. Let me fall. God this is life. You fall and get back up. Let me fall. You can't protect me forever."
Dad: "I will always protect you. You're my daughter I can never stop. I dont want you to one day wake up and not need me. You'll have a husband; you'll have Shawn."
Me: "letting me fall doesnt mean I'll never need you I'll always need you, even with a husband" He smiles and hugs me tightly.
--not too sure about this but this will be ending very soon!

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