Chapter 90

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A/n sorry I haven't uploaded a chapter in a couple of days. My 18th birthday was yesterday and let's just say, IT WAS LIT. I'll probably post 2 chapters just for y'all.

Callie POV
The sun was setting and it was starting to get dark.
Shawn and I head back to his car and I assume we are going to get changed in a near by bathroom but I see Shawn is drying himself and throws on a shirt.
Shawn: "come here" he ushers me over so that no one is around.
Me: "Shawn I'm not changing in front of you." I stay sternly.
Shawn: "I won't look I promise" he leans down and kisses me. I don't kiss back but look at him seriously
Me: "I'm being serious Shawn, don't look" he nods his head and extends the towel by my neck and looks away. I laugh at him and he looks back
Shawn: "come on babe, I can't do this forever!" He laughs.
I quickly take off my bathing suit bottoms and have them dangeling by my foot and stick my foot out for shawn to take them
Shawn: "unbelievable" he chuckles and takes the bottoms from my ankle.
I quickly place my underwear and shorts on.
I soon take my bathing suit top off and I'm about to get my bralette
Brain: "SHAWN DUDE!" Shawn's eyes go wide and wraps the towel amd his arms around my exposed top half and covers me.
Shawn: "dude."
Brian looks shocked and slowly walks away.
I look up at Shawn and laugh.
He soon releases his grip and his eyes start to stare.
Me: "SHAWN!"
Shawn: "CALLIE!" we both laugh and he looks away again.
About a second later I turn my back so shawn could clasp the clips.
His hands touch my back and I shiver a little.
Soon he's done and I throw on the shirt.
Me: "I can't believe I just got dressed by your car"
Shawn: "wasn't that bad" he says and he wraps his arm around my shoulders.
Me: "speak for yourself. you are not a girl" I look up and stick my tounge out. He squishes my cheeks together and kisses me.
Shawn: "smores?" I nod my head excitedly.
---Shallie is lowkey goals.

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