Chapter 112

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A/n couple of future chapters will be smut. I'm going to try to make it more detailed, because last time I catered towards the people on Instagram and that chapter sucked shit. So I'm going to make this smut a little bit more steamy and sexy.
I have written smut before on my 'Shawn Mendes imagines' so yes I have written some smut. But I will be warning people before the chapter starts for people who don't feel comfortable.

Callie POV
We're at the spot. Our spot.
He parked his car in the middle of the field and we sit eating pizza on the roof of his car.
We talk. About everything.
Shawn: "when does school start?" He asks shoving pizza into his mouth.
I let out a chuckle and look up at the sky in awe.
Me: "2 weeks" I say while eating the piece of still warm pizza
Shawn: "2 weeks of freedom." I nod and lean into his chest. He holds me tightly and kisses my head.
I lean up and kiss him, and then I kiss him again, and again, AND again.  His hands go to waist and he lays on the roof of his car and pulls me on his chest. My legs fall to each side of his hips and lean down and kiss him.
Hid hands fall in my hair and my hands fall to each side of his face and deepen the kiss.
His hands leave my hair and slide to my hips and he goes back up but goes under my shirt and his hands rest on my naked waist.
I slowly play with the hem of his shirt and he smirks
Shawn: "either your nervous or just cold" Feeling up my arms, feeling all of the goosebumps.
I shrug my shoulders and kiss him
Me: "little bit of both" I say and start to kiss his neck.
He chuckles and his hands leave my waist and go to my thighs.
He holds on tightly and slides to the edge of the roof. My face looks worried and he kisses my lips.
Shawn: "maybe it will be more warm inside" Gesturing towards the inside of his car. I laugh and kiss him sweetly
Shawn: "hold on tight" My arms go straight to his neck and my hold gets a little bit tight.
He jumps off and I let out a little squeal.
I loosen my grip and lean back and kiss him sweetly.
Me: "I love you" He smiles with a toothy grin and kisses me.
Shawn: "I love you" He whispers and opens the door and sits me on the edge of the seats and I slide back to the other end and he comes on top of me and kisses me sweetly.
-lol ended this horrible. Hope you liked it.

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