Chapter 16

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Callie POV
I wake up rubbing my eyes, I look around my room and one thing catches my attention. A mirror. I decide to do something I shouldn't have done.
I go over, I look at myself. I don't look too bad with clothes on, yeah clothed. Then I'm stupid enough and lift my shirt up, I don't hate what I see but everyone else does, so maybe I should change that.
I hear a knock at the door and I jump and put my shirt down quickly.
Terrie: "hey sweetie, wanna come watch a movie with your dad and I." I shake my head no then I see Sydney poke through Terrie's legs
Syndney: "pweese, it's Harry Potter!!" She says in her little 4 year old voice. I chuckle a little.
I want to watch the movie with them, but at the same time I just want to cry some more.
Me: "no. I'm really tired. And I have homework" I look at both of them.
Terrie: "alright sweetie, I'll see you in the morning" she leans in and kisses my head. After they leave I go back in bed and fall asleep
--sorry if this is boring and short. If you are in the same situation as Callie you can talk to me anytime!!!!

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