Chapter 19

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A/n hey! Really trying to make these longer! Hope you like it! Vote and comment

Callie POV
My dad is yelling, a lot. He wants me to tell him what wrongs but I just can't tell him.
Dad: "come on Callie! We tell each other everything! Why is this different?" He looks at me, the look that makes me want to cry.
Dad: "please tell me" I stay silent.
Me: "I DON'T EAT!" I cut him off. He looks at me confused and I get shy.
I look down at my hands trying not to make eye contact
Me: "I just feel like I needed to lose a couple of pounds nothing serious." He looks confused
Dad: "25 POUNDS CALLIE? YOU ARE UNDERWEIGHT! WHAT THE HELL! How did this start? Who the hell- I'm going to kill him" I look confused. He started leaving
Me: "what-what are you talking about?" He looks at me with an evil look
Dad: "don't play dumb Callie. You know who started this. But the fact that you believed it-" he shakes his head in disappointment "-makes you just as dumb."
My mouth drops open and my dad storms off. I hear the door slam and I slightly jump.
Terrie: "what was that?!" She says coming into my room fixing her hair
Me: "nothing it's just me fu-" Terrie looks at me with that 'say the curse word I dare you' "-FUDGING up!" I throw my hands up and Terrie looks at me sweetly
Terrie: "he will get over it" she kisses my head and walks towards the living room.
--a couple of hours went by--
My dad still hasn't come home and honestly I feel like it's my fault.
I decide to call him, no answer
I quickly have an idea on where he is. I wipe my wet eyes and run downstairs and grab terries keys, when I see it. My dad never took his keys.
I grab his keys instead and drive off hoping he doesn't do anything he will regret.
--AHAHA hope you like it!!!! Where do you think Callie's dad is going?!

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