Chapter 80

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A/n hope you like it!!!!

Shawn POV
After watching Callie interact with her siblings for about 20 minutes we go into her room and she pulls me into her room.
She kisses me,  hard. She throws her hands up and places them around my neck. I kiss her back, with just as much passion as her.
My hands go to her waist and I pull her closer to my body.
Now that I think of it Callie and I have never had a make out session; and now were having one with her sisters in the next room and her parents coming home any minute,  great.
In the heat of the moment I feel a slap on my bum. I pull from our kiss,  my hands now on her cheek stroking it while I turn around.
Jenna: "DADDY SAID NO KISSING!" She shouts and points her finger at us.
Callie places her head in my chest and laughs.
Callie: "yeah and dad also said he doesn't like tattle tales!" Her jaw flies open and runs away.
Me: "what was that about?" I say while laughing. She looks back at me and let's out a sigh
Callie: "my dad is in the military,  he's tough. He doesn't take anyone's shit." I nod my head and then get confused
Me: "wait, so the military doesn't like tattle tales?" She laughs
Me: "well yeah they don't. But my dad HATES people like that. It basically like betraying someone" I nod and smile at her and kiss her again
Callie: "what was that for?" I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly
Me: "what?  I can't kiss my girlfriend? And I agree with your dad" she laughs and hugs me tightly.
I start to kiss her head repeatedly and then she looks up at me and leans up and kisses me again.
We start to make out some more.
I extend my arms behind me and close the door.
She kisses me and I kiss her. I place my hand on her cheek and bring her closer when I hear the door close.
Terrie: "WERE HOME!" as soon as I hear that Callie and I stop and she groans loudly.
---its eh. Do you like these type of chapters???

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