✧ bullied - ethan

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whoopee, this is my second book of imagines; enjoy <3

its an average day at school, kids shouting in the halls, teacher frustrated, and the couples kissing. you walked down towards your locker, your fingers a ghostly white from gripping on your textbooks.

unlocking your locker, you felt a pair of eyes burn into your back. you turn your head slightly, to see the schools biggest bully.

brett s.

you gulp silently, and quickly throw your books in your locker. you lock it, and try to leave. but brett caught up to you. "[y/n]."

he puts his hand on your shoulder, and turns you towards him. "what, brett?" you scoff.

"who the fuck do you think youre talking to?"


he tightens his grip on your hoodie, the hoodie your father got you as a gift. "s-stop holding my j-jacket so hard." you whimper.

"why?" he shouts. now, you feel powerless. "b-b-because..."

he laughs, as he slams you into the wall. your shoulder aches. "quit being a lit-"

he was cut off by someone's fist punching his face. he fell to the ground. your vision was a bit blurry, so you couldn't quiet see who defended you.

you rub your eyes slightly, to see ethan dolan standing in front of you. you smile, as shivers fell on your spine.

"you alright?" ethan asked as he fumbled with his now bloody knuckles. you nodded. "thanks for sticking up f-for me." he chuckles as he holds open his arms, waiting for a hug.

you giggle as you wiped a tear from your eye, and hugged him. his body was so warm, you felt protected.

from ethans body warmth, you shiver a bit. he rubs his hand on your back. "you cold?"

"yeah just a bit," you laugh. it was just you and ethan in the halls... hugging for which felt like eternity.

"you're so warmmmmmm," you drag on the word, 'warm'. he laughs and picks you up, your legs wrapped around his torso. your head laugh against the side of his. "what! where are you taking me?!"

he laughs, as he continues to walk towards the school doors. you look back to see brett laying on the ground unconsciously. you sigh.

ethan pushes up the door with his right hand, his left arm helping you stay up. his left hand practically on your butt.

"where are we going?" you ask, dazed as you look around to see the school parking lot. "where ever you want to go."

"ice cream!" you yell. he laughs and puts you down because you guys are now at his truck. he opens the door for you, as you flash a smile. "thank you!"

he hops into his truck and starts the engine. "my truck is a bit cold right now, i need to wait about a few minutes for it to heat up."

you nod as you place your backpack by your feet. "now what?"

"i can do this," he said. you turned your head to face him and his lips crashed on yours.
aye!!!!!! it's rose and this is my dolan twins imagine boookkkkkkkk hope you like it!
word count: 530

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