✧ 8teen - ethan

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i climbed down and out of my window, running to ethans truck. i quickly hopped in, letting out a scared long breath. i've never snuck out of my house before, especially not at 2 am. ethan smirked, before pulling out of the driveway and out of my street.

"well hello babe," ethan said, grabbing my inner thigh and shaking it a bit. his eyes were locked to the road. my chest was still heaving up and down, my body slowly calming down. "hi," i finally responded.

"princess, calm down. you just snuck out. your parents are sleeping, there's nothing to worry about." he reassured. i nodded, swallowing nervously. i bit my lip, guilt washing over me.

ethan pulled to a hill, that showed the entire city. the beautiful lights twinkled softly as the car turned off.

"let's go in the back," ethan said, opening the door. "okay." i obeyed, doing the same as him.

"ladies first," he smiled. "thank you," i climbed my way up on the back. he slapped my ass harshly, causing me to jerk my body forward.

once i fully got on the back of his truck, i crosses my arms and sat down. he chuckled and hopped up, and sat next to me.

he put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. "baaabbyyyy," he dragged out the word. i ignored him playfully, looking up at the sky to avoid eye contact.

"i'm sorry baby. i couldn't help it, ya ass just so damn fat." he licks his lips. i rolled my eyes and connected my eyes with his. he smiled softly.

"this place is beautiful, ethan." i said. he smiles wider. "i just discovered it." he explains. i cocked an eyebrow. "is that so e?"

he nods. "it's pretty nice."

i continued to look around the scenery. my eyes locked onto a little sign.

private property.

my eyes widened as i looked at ethan, who was gazing at the view too. "ethan! you dumbass!"

ethan looks down at me. "what did i do now, baby?" his eyebrows tug together. i shook my head. "this is private property!"

his mouth turns to an 'o' shape.

soon, the sound of police sirens blares. me and ethan exchanged glances, before quickly running to the front of his truck.

ethan fumbled to put the keys in the key hole, his hands shaking furiously.

"hurry up ethan!" i panicked.

he finally got the key in the hole as he turned it, waisting no time and backing up and turning on a dirt road.

i stuck my head out the window to see behind us, the colors blue and red flashing. i quickly pulled my hoodie over my head and sat back down.

my heart was pounding as loud, i'm pretty sure ethan could hear it. i turned to look at him, but i only saw a giant cocky smirk on his face.

"why are you smiling?!" i asked.

"you're so scared, that's funny," he laughed.

i slouched down in my seat. "i was scared okay? i've never done this before." i looked off somewhere else but his eyes.

"baby, we're 18, it's time we live it up eh? we graduate high school in two weeks."

i bit the inside of my cheek before sighing. he was right. you only live once, and these are the golden years to be crazy and no one will care.

"you're right,"

"i know." he quickly said.

"shut up," i chuckled.

his famous smirk reappeared.


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