✧ how you met - both

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daylight saving time is good bc now I get an extra hour of sleep :))
i slipped on my vans, and headed out the door. this was the first time in a while that i was going to go target to shop for myself. i usually do quick runs to target [which is impossible because i usually find something i really like for a good price] but today im shopping for just myself. ive recently got a job, and ive been saving up. now, im going to go on a spree. to treat myself, ya know?

i took ahold of the shiny red cart. effortlessly, i pushed the cart while i put my bag in the baby sitting place. i went straight for the books. [im sorry if you hate books!]

on the way to books isle, i found the dollar section. i flipping hate the dollar section, because i get so sucked into it.

"you know what, maybe i'll just skip the dollar section." i whispered to myself. i turned the cart around, and went to the books.

but, you know target, the candy isle is right by the dollar section. i sighed to myself, as i pushed my cart towards the snacks. i know i shouldn't be going towards food, i'll wanna buy all.

by the chips, there were two twins around my age. i was stunned. they were gorgeous. now, im an awkward person. i am not very good at talking to people. so i decided to ignore them. i went to the candy.

i was feeling a bit hungry, so i got some gummy bears. i wanted sour patch kids, so i looked for them. lucky me, the sour patch kids were on the top shelf. im short, so i couldn't reach.

now this was embarrassing. i behind my shoulders to see if the two boys were looking, but they weren't. the boy with a purple streak in his hair [i know he doesn't have that anymore] was on his phone, while the other one was looking at chips.

i took this as an advantage to try to get my candy. i stood on my tippy toes, as my fingers brushed the bag. not knowing, i scoffed. loudly.

the two boys heard me, and turned their heads towards me. great! the one that was looking at chips smiled at me, and walked towards me. "need help?"

i blushed, and nodded. "y-yeah..." he chuckled, and grabbed the bag of candy. he handed it to me. "my names grayson."

"[y/n]." you replied. graysons twin came up next to us. "hey! im ethan."

"h-hi ethan, im [y/n]."

holy smokes. they were hot.

"[y/n]. that's a cute name." grayson said. that comment made me blush. "thank-s-s"

i put my candy in my cart. "sorry, i'm really awkward s-so i d-d-"

"no worries!" ethan interrupted. "you seem really cool and fun to hang out with. can i get your number?"

"for sure," you laughed. ethan pulled out his phone. "hey i want your number too!" grayson frowned. you smiled. "okay,"

after exchanging numbers, grayson smiled brightly. "great! i'll be sure to text you."

"it was nice meeting you," ethan went in for a hug. you hugged back, taking in his embrace. since you were short, you hugged his lower back, and ethan hugged your shoulders.

"b-bye." you smiled. grayson wanted a hug too, so he opened his arms. you shyly smiled and hugged him. "youre beautiful, lets hang one day." grayson whispered to you.

"of course, and thanks." you whispered back.

the two boys waved goodbye. grayson winked.
cringe ending.
word count: 591

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