✧ sweet - grayson

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ib: dolansidentity


algebra has just begun, and i'm still in the hallway. i jog to the door in a rush, because the teacher is so strict on being late to classes. i place my hand on the metal door knob and pull open.

"y/n, you're late." me russels voice said. i rolled my eyes and spat, "yeah, i know already."

you snapped back into reality, and put your hand over your mouth. mr russels mouth was open, and the whole class was laughing.

"i'm so sorry, i didn't mean it!" redness came over my face and i walked to my desk. i dropped my book bag and hid my face in my hands.

i felt someone's finger poke my arm. "h-hey y/n, that was cool-l what you said," grayson's voice whispered.

i removed my hands from my face and smile lightly. "oh why thank you."

"i could never have the guts t-to do that." grayson stuttered a bit. his stuttering was so cute.

little did you know, grayson had the biggest crush on you.

*30 minutes in the lesson*

it was working time. mr russel let us work on our missing assignments or assignments in general.

i tapped my pencil against my desk in confusion. i didn't understand what this question meant.

"hey grayson, can you help me on question 8 of -"

"of course, y/n! it's-s 69.9 to the third power." he smiled.

my heart thumped. "thank you, g." i said, writing down the answer on my paper.

someone on the right of me tapped my elbow. i turned to see who it was, and it was grayson's twin brother, ethan.

"hey y/n. can i get your number?" he smirked.

"uh-h, yeah. sure?" i spoke. i pulled out my phone and exchanged number with him.

from behind you, grayson was frowning slightly while he bit his lip.

"thanks." ethan raised his brow and turned back to his work.

ethan was well known at my school. he went to a bunch a parties, got drunk, smoke, vape, but he was really known for was hooking up with girls.

i slid my phone in the pocket of my jeans and kept on working.

the bell rang, and everyone was packing their things in an instant. i, on the other hand, took my time folding my work in half and sticking it in my backpack, and zipping it slowly. i slung my backpack over my shoulder and fixed my hair, and walked out.

grayson [420 words right here hehe] was at his locker, his nose scrunched up a bit with his cheeks a rosy color.

i was decided to walk towards him, as it was lunch time. but, i got interrupted my ethan.

ethan and grayson were tall.

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