✧ soccer - grayson

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"a girl can't join a boys soccer team! there's a girls team for a reason!" a guy named lucas shouted. his team mates agreed with him, nodding their heads.

"says who?" i cross my arms. "i can play better than half of you!" i defended.

"c'mon guys, let her show us her skills." a boy with floppy brown hair and hazel eyes said. i looked towards him, and smiled. "yeah, what he said."

"the names grayson by the way," he winked. i playfully rolled my eyes, opening my soccer bag. i grabbed my cleats and dropped them by my feet.

"fine. if you don't play good, don't come back." lucas scoffed. they all ran to the field, while i slipped off my vans and put on my cleats.

i threw my shoes in my bag before running off onto the field. i pulled the hair tie off my wrist and tied my hair up.

"ready?" lucas snarled. i tugged my hair to make it tighter and responded, "ready as i'll ever be."

someone from behind lucas shouted, "go!" and with that word lucas got the ball and kicked it to a team mate.

i ran towards the player, pushing my body against them causing them to lose control of the ball. i the kicked the ball steadily, making it hit the goal in a flash.

i smirked to myself, as i turned around to see the whole team in awe. grayson walked up to me and gave me a hand five. "that was impressive,"

"thanks," i smiled. "didn't even have to break a sweat." i chuckled.

"guess i had the wrong idea on you kid," lucas patted my shoulder. i looked at him and rose an eyebrow. "i have a name you know,"

"what is it?" the team asked.


"well y/n, welcome to our team!" they cheered.


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