✧ the kiss - ethan

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ethans p.o.v :

i fell asleep around 12 am. i stayed up watching some youtube, that's about it.

but, i get a text message from y/n, my bestfriend. i have a special text tone for her, the duck. so, whenever i hear it, i know its her. the loud quacking noise awakes me, and i shoot my eyelids open. i immiediatly check my phone.

y/n : ethan come over plz

my heart pounds hard. one, its 12 am. she's asleep by then. two, she never uses slang, such as 'plz', 'thx', '2', 'ttyl', 'lol'. i rub my eyes before getting up and slipping on my shoes, and i head out the door.

i pass by graysons room, and i know for sure he's watching porn.

i walk to y/n's house, which is like a block away from my house. i open the door, half awake, to hear sobs coming from upstairs. i stop dead in my tracks, and run upstairs. i see y/n's door open.

inside, she is laying on her bed crying. her arms are shaking and her breathing is uneven. she's having a panic attack.

i run towards her and i gently place my hands on her arms. she tenses and looks at me, before crying even more. she jumps into my arms, still crying intensly.

"shh shh shh, whats wrong?" i rubbed circles soothingly on her back.

"m-m-my grandma h-had a-a heart-t attack-k," she stuttered. i frowned mentally. i know she is super close to her grandma.

"and i don't know if she's okay!" she adds, crying into my shirt.

i don't know how, but even when she isn't smiling or being happy she still manages to be beautiful.

i pull her up so she can look at me, and i smile lightly. she looks so damn gorgeous.

without thinking, i kiss her on the lips. she is taken back, but she kisses back.

she pulls away and lets out a sigh. "thanks for coming late." she said, more calm.



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