✧ too late - ethan

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ethan walked into homecoming, the music blasting. he could feel the beats in his chest. he looked all around the room, and his eyes caught onto his twin, grayson.

"hey gray," ethan places a firm hand on graysons shoulder. grayson turns around and smiles, "hey e, what's up?"

"nothing much, kinda just wanna go already." ethan confessed. grayson raises a brow. "what? you just got here bro."

"i know, the only reason i'm here is for y/n," ethan says. grayson nods. "ah, i understand."

the song changes from a upbeat one to a slow one. grayson looks at ethan and smirks, "well, go get y/n!"

ethan bites his lip. "y-yeah, okay." ethan walks away and tries to find y/n, politely pushing through some of the dancing couples. his eyes meet y/n's dress, which he was astound on. he fixed his tie before going up to her.

he was cut off by brandon tapping her shoulder. "would you like to dance, beautiful?" brandon asked, flashing his signature smile. y/n nods, taking his hand and dancing with him.

ethan stands there, his stomach turning. he was too late. he decides to walk back to grayson with a devastated look on his face.

"what's wrong ethan? why aren't you dancing with y/n?" grayson asks, a red solo cup in hand. ethans eyes water. "i was too late."


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