✧ princess - grayson

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time for a fuck boy grayson ;)


y/n's p.o.v

the bell rang meaning school has been dismissed. i walked out to my car, but i bumped a tall figure.

"sorry," i mumbled. i looked up, and it was grayson fucking dolan. i tried to walk away from him as fast as possible, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

he gave me a big hug, and i have to admit it was pretty nice. but, i couldn't say that to his face, then he'll know he wins his little 'game'.

"hey princess," he smirked. i attempted to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. here we are, him hugging me in the parking lot.

"are y'all a couple? cause you guys cute." a guy asked. "no!" i shout. "she always says that," grayson scoffs. he lets go of me, and i slap him on the arm.

"ow, princess! that's no way to treat you're man." he said. i raised an eyebrow. "you are not my man. why don't you go fuck cassandra?" i scolded.

"cassandra is dating tyler." he said. i rolled my eyes. "and when does that ever stop you?"

he smiled. "true."

i walked away from him and hopped in my car. he blew me a kiss and i flipped him off. i drove away, finally off school campus.


i was interrupted by a text. it wasn't someone in my contacts.

unknown: hey;)

me: hey,
who's this?


unknown: you
should know,

me: bye,

unknown: no
please don't

me: i was
jamming to
blackbear until
you ruined

unknown: was it
'make daddy proud'?

me: uh wtf
how did
you know?

unknown: look to
your right;)

confused, i looked to my right. it was grayson and his twin brother in a ford bronco. grayson smirked as he had one hand on the steering wheel. ethan was on his phone. this was a long red light.

i rolled my eyes. the light turned green, and i immediately sped off. i pulled into my driveway and went inside my house.

i kicked off my vans and dropped my keys on the coffee table. i went upstairs and changed into something more comfortable. a clickbait sweatshirt and black booty shorts, because who's gonna see?

i jumped onto the warm soft sofa and went on my phone.

i was expecting a text from grayson, but he didn't text. thank the lord. i went on instagram and liked a few posts, until a knock came from the door.

i groaned and rolled off the sofa. another hard knock came from the door. "i'm coming!" i shouted, annoyed. i managed to get up and walk to the door.

i opened the door, to see grayson. i was shocked. "what the hell- grayson?" i questioned.

"hey princess," he smirked. "can i come in?" i shook my head no. "what? no! what are you doing here?"

"did you follow me home?"

he shrugged. "mm, maybe." my mouth fell open. "wow, obsessed much?"

his eyes trailed from my own eyes, to my sweatshirt, to my shorts. "hey, what's that behind you?" he pointed.

i turned around, then felt a hard slap on my ass. i looked back, annoyed. "very funny," i stated. he plastered a cheeky smile on his face.

"can you leave now?"

"princess, why would you want me to leave?" he stepped closer to me, placing a hand on my face. his thumb swiped across my cheek.

"you're just so adorable and beautiful," he licked his lips. i couldn't help but blush. his charm and his words make all the girls drool over him.

but, i'm not gonna be one of those girls. i pushed away his hand. "s-stop."

"do you want me to, princess?"

"stop with the nickname!" i furrowed my brows.

"you're cute when you're mad." he smirked.



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