✧ back off - both

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ethans p.o.v :

recently, ive developed hard feelings for y/n. im thinking of asking her out, but I don't want to screw over our friendship.

lately grayson has been acting weird, too. whenever he's around y/n, he gets super overprotective when other guys talk to her. he either gets jealous or angry. I think he likes her, too.

now i need to make a move ; fast. if grayson asks her first i'm literally going to beat the living shit out of him.

graysons p.o.v :

i know ethan likes y/n.

little does he know i'm already planning to go over to her house and hang out with her... where i'll confess my feelings.

i might love y/n.

i've had a huge crush on her since eighth grade.

third person p.o.v :

grayson put on his vans, and grabbed his phone. he made his way downstairs to see ethan sitting on the couch watching tv.

"where are you going at nine o'clock?" ethan asked.

"no where." grayson bluntly responded.

"bull crap." ethan began to grow annoyed. grayson grabbed his keys from the coffee table and smirked at ethan.

ethans eyes widened. ethan realized where his twin brother was going. "no!"

grayson quickly opened the front door and bolted out. he pulled the door shut with strength and ran to his truck.

he fumbled with his keys as he struggled to put the key in the hole, as his hands were shaking from the adrenaline his body created.

in the front window of the house, you could see a ethan running around the living room. grayson pulled out of the drive way and drove off.

graysons phone buzzed in his pocket.

incoming facetime call from ethan...

grayson sighed. he decided to answer.

"what do you want?" grayson kept his eyes on the road.

"back the fuck off!" ethan shouted from the other line.

grayson smirked to himself. "back off what?" grayson asked, yet, he knew exactly what ethan meant.

"back off from y/n! she's mine!"

grayson shook his head lightly. "yours? your not dating her though?"

from the other line, you could hear ethans car staring up. ethan groaned as he heard what grayson just said.

"yeah! well not yet!"

grayson stopped at a red light, and brought his phone close to his face. "listen, e."

"i've liked y/n for a very long time. you're not gonna be the one who's going to take her away from me." grayson sternly said.

ethans expression changed. his clenched jaw relaxed, and his eyes softened. "sorry grayson. y/n is calling me."

graysons mouth went to the shape of an 'o', and his nostrils flared. "WHAT?"

"bye!" was ethans last words before ending the call.



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