✧ pictures - grayson

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she was uptight, very shelled. she never talked, she never smiled. she was one of a kind.

she stayed in her room all day, drawing or either staring at her wall. she barely ate, her father forcing her to eat a granola bar or something.

she loved one guy with all her heart, grayson dolan. they attended the same school, that's how she knows him.

her dad, desperate for her to be the way she was two years ago, rummaged through her stuff when she was at school. he knew he shouldn't have been doing this, but it's his last resort.

he found her diary, a found out she loved grayson. he placed all her stuff back in their original place, and rushed to y/n's school. he pulled out grayson from class.

"who are you?" grayson asked. her father placed a hand on his shoulder as his eyes glistened in desperation. "please, come with me."

y/n's dad explained y/n's problems and how she changed so abruptly. he drove grayson to their house, and showed him her room.

her dad looked at his watch, causing him to suck in some air. "grayson, i'm sorry but i have to go to work." he said, leaving him in her room.

"wait what do i do?" grayson questioned frantically. her dad shook his head and walked out. "something!" he left.

grayson stood in the middle of her room, wondering what to do. should he leave? or should he help the father that misses his old daughter?

graysons eyes caught on to a big white binder, with a small label that had his name on it. he opened the binder, his eyes widening.

over 100 drawings of him.

head shots, body shots, pictures of him smiling, you name it, y/n has drawn every single thing you can imagine grayson doing.

he flipped through the thick pages slowly, not wanting to rip anything.

"oh my god," grayson inaudibly said while still examining the pictures. he saw one of him playing football, the ball in his hand while he ran.

grayson was so caught up in the art, he didn't even notice y/n standing at the door way. she had her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as if she saw a ghost. tears streamed down her face as she broke into a sob.

"y/n," he walked towards her, only for her to run away into the hallway bathroom. she slammed the door, full on crying now. he knocked on the door multiple times, begging her to come out.

"y/n please! i'm sorry!" he said, head hung low. he knew he shouldn't have went through her stuff.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed, the first time in years ever saying a word. "NO!" he shouted back, y/n's sobbing quieting down.

"you-you-you- probably think i'm a freak." she stuttered, crying still. "well i don't!" grayson shot back, pounding on the door. "now please open!"

a few seconds passed, the door knob jiggling a little bit before the door opened. grayson stared at her, before grabbing her body and pulling her close to him.

"thank you." he said, kissing the top of her head. she wrapped her small arms around his back.

"those drawings, amazing. you, amazing."

"n-n-no." she bluntly said back.

he let go of the hug, and stared right into her eyes. "honestly, for the past year i felt as no one cared about me. i felt worthless, i felt alone. your drawings, made me realize that someone does care about me. someone does love me. thank you," he said before placing his lips on hers.


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