✧ remember me - ethan [3]

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i quickly booked a flight to l.a, which luckily was a perfect time. i ran to security, as they checked my bags and such.

"you're good to go ma'am," the man smiled. i grabbed my luggage and nodded. "thank you," i said as i ran to my flight.

the flight was boarding, i handed the flight attendant my ticket. i sped walked through the terminal, and to my seat.

"c-11, c-11, c-11," i muttered under my breath while walking. i found it, and it was a window seat. yippe.

but i wasn't in a mood to be happy, i was anxious. i put my small suitcase in the storage compartment and took a seat.

my body relaxed in the cushioned seat. i pulled out earbuds and my phone, and my lock screen flashed. me and ethan.

"don't worry bup, i'll find you soon." i said to myself.


i inhaled the l.a air, happy to be here. a bunch of cars drove pass me as well as people passing by. i gripped my suitcase; i was a bit nervous.

i pulled the note that i found under the rock and examined it. there's a bunch of apartment complexes in l.a... which one do i go to?

331 was the room number. maybe i'll google it.

i types in the room number, and only one apartment complex popped up.

summer view. (idk if it has room 331)

i bit the inside of my lip, and ordered an uber.


"here we go, summer view apartments." the man said. i handed him money and thanked him, before getting out.


"room 331." i said, standing in front of it. i fiddled with the room key as my stomach turned. i unlocked the room and opened the door.

i instantly closed the door, as i was feeling a weird pair of eyes sink into me. i dropped the suitcase and started to look around the room.

there wasn't anything really in there, since it was an apartment. i walked to the bathroom, and opened the cabinets.

my heart jumped at the sight of a note in it. i grabbed the paper, and opened it.

i'm surprised you got this far. well, ethans not here. he's actually in sydney australia. at my place. the address is 78936 cherry lane if you really want to find him.
- ?

okay, first of all, why are they making me go all around the world? second of all, why are they making this a game? lastly, who is writing these? why would they want me to find ethan if they have him?


CRY :(

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