✧ christmas - both

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merry christmas!
"hey guys!" i exclaimed as my bestfriends, ethan and graysons front door swung open. i held two gifts in my hand with a big smile on my face, my nose a bit red from the coldness.

grayson sweetly smiled and invited me in, and he gave me a big hug.

"y/n! merry christmas!" he hugged me warmly. ethan took the gifts from my hand and smiled innocently.

i plopped down on the sofa. "open them!"

ethan ripped open the red wrapping paper to see a box. he opened it and his jaw dropped.

"are you serious?" he laughed, pulling out the stuffed turtle i bought him.

i flashed a big smile. "do you love it? his name is penny!"

"that's a weird name for a turtle." grayson added.

i shook my head. "your turn, g!"

grayson gently unwrapped his green wrapping paper, and threw it in the trash beside him. he opened the box, and his smile faded into a thin line when he saw what was inside.

"a... paper?" he asked, picking up the paper.

i nodded. "open it."

grayson did as told, and he dropped the paper into his lap. he covered his 'o' shaped mouth with his hand, his eyes wide.

"y/n you did not."

"i did!" i smiled.

ethan gave me and grayson a weird look. "what?"

grayson picked up the paper and handed it to ethan. ethan unfolded the folded lined paper.

official we hate ethan gang contract :

by signing this paper you hate ethan for getting a girlfriend and leaving his bestfriends, grayson and y/n.

also! open this when y/n and grayson turn 18!

me and grayson exchanged looks, before bursting out laughing.

"what the hell?" ethan asked.

"let-t m-me expl-lain," i choked out.

i caught my breath, and i looked ethan in the eyes.

"that day, you started dating, you know who. me and grayson were mad because you, i mean we, all promised to never get in a relationship."

"so we started a club."

ethan scoffed. "hey! don't blame us. we were 11 back then." grayson laughed.
if i made a ig would you guys follow it?

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