✧ innocence - both

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you walked down the school halls, alone. you opened up your locker and put away your heavy textbooks, and closed it. next to you, was ethan and grayson dolan, the hottest guys at school.

you thought they were gonna bully you, since that's what they always do to people. you mentally prepared yourself for harsh words, but instead you were hit with a "hey babygirl." from grayson.

you weren't used to such nice words, as you were never really noticed by people. you played with you fingers. "uh hi," you responded. ethan chuckled. "we got ourselves a shy one gray,"

grayson put his fingers on your chin, and pushed your face up, so you were making eye contact. "don't be nervous baby," he winked.

your cheeks flushed a bright red. no ones really ever gave you a cute nickname like that. "o-okay," you choked out. ethan took ahold of your hand and said, "follow us."

you obliged, trailing behind the two twins. they led you outside, where the parking lot was. "u-uh where are we going?" you questioned. "we're ditching, school is boring." grayson said.

you shook your head. "no! i cant skip school! my parents will be mad at me!"

"aw, come on baby. it'll be fun." grayson smirked, him walking next to you and ethan pulling you still. grayson puts a hand on your ass and grips it, causing you to gasp.

ethan gets to his truck and opens the back door, which was filled with boxes. "oops, looks like there's no room in the back."

"what will we do?" you ask. "it's okay angel, you can sit on my lap while ethan drives," graysons famous smirk re-appears.

(switching 'you' to 'i')

"t-t-thats not safe" i shake my head. ethan shuts the back door and walks to the drivers door. "y/n, sometimes you gotta take risks," he said as he got in and started the truck.

grayson hops in to the passenger seat and pats his lap. "come on baby." i bite my lip as i put my foot on the step, and climbed onto graysons lap. he silently groans; biting his bottom lip to hide the noises.

his lap was quite comfortable, i have to say. i put my backpack in the back, and plopped back onto graysons lap, causing him to groan out loud.

"you okay bud?" ethan asks, eyes on the road. grayson nods, his hand gripping my waist. "yeah." he replies. i look all around the truck, to spot ethan not wearing a seat belt. "e-ethan..." i nervously say.

"yes baby?" he asks, not making eye contact. his little pet name for me made me more nervous. "y-you're not wearing a seat belt."

"it's okay y/n," he laughs. "b-but," he interrupts me, by the vehicle stopping at a red light. he turns to face me and rubs my cheek with the pad of his thumb. "princess, it's okay."

i nod softly. i sit back down fully on graysons lap, moving a bit. i can feel him get hard under me. "oh baby, stop moving so much." he whispers in my ear.

"sorry grayson." i apologized. his right hand slipped under me, and caressed my ass. "it's okay babe," he whispers again.

we were driving for quite a while, i began to grow tired. i couldn't help but fall asleep on graysons shoulder.

"she's so damn adorable, and innocent too," grayson traces his fingers up against my thigh skin, as i was wearing shorts.

finally, we made it to the destination. ethan parked the car. "wake up y/n,"

grayson shakes me awake. "beautiful... wake up," he says. i sit up slowly and yawn, my hair all in my face. "w-where am i?"

"we're here babygirl," grayson says, opening the truck door. he picks me up carelessly and puts me down. i move the hair out of my face.

"the beach?" i hear the ocean waves. "yep, one of our favorite places." ethan smiles, and comes over to me and picks me up. i wrap my legs around his waist and rest my head in his shoulder, as i was still sleepy. his hands pick me up by my butt.

why did i ever agree to come with these boys, and i already feel comfortable with them??????

"so y/n, while you took a nap me and grayson were talking how innocent you were," ethan says as he walks through the sand.

i pick my head up. "what? how am i innocent?" i ask.

"what's a hand job?" graysons asks me. i've heard that saying at school, but i never really knew what i meant. "uhh a job you do with your hands... like with cars?" i guess.

ethan and grayson both chuckle.

"you truly are innocent and pure," ethan says.


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