✧ thats my girl - grayson

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you and grayson decided to go to the mall. you both began to get a little hungry so you guys went to the food court.

you guys found a spot to sit, you plopped down happily on the cushioned seat. "i'll go get the food baby, wait here," grayson said. you nodded and smiled.

to pass the time, you took out your phone and went on snapchat.

"fucking hell rebecca, stop snapchatting THE WHOLE FUCKING CONCERT!" you whispered yelled. you swiped past her long ass story and moved on.

"okay hailey, you're nephew is cute ass hell we get it," you rolled your eyes and moved on.

"oh jesus, carlos is at the mall too." you said. carlos is a big fuckboy, and he always targets you to tease because you always deny him.

you locked your phone and looked all around the food court without getting up. "please don't be here, please don't be here, please don't be her-"

"hey princess," a guys voice interrupts you. you jump a bit look behind you, to see satan himself. sorry, carlos.

you let out a long sigh and ignore him. he takes a seat next to you and wraps him arm around you. "you look beautiful today," he hisses. you try to push him off you but he doesn't budge.

"get off me," you snap quietly, not wanting to make a scene. he chuckles.

he plays with your hair. "wow, so soft. i wonder what your hair would look like when i grasp it hard when you're sucking by dick."

"shut up," you remark, trying to get out of his arms. you felt powerless. where was grayson?

"you're thighs look so nice," his hand slips to your thigh and he grabs it. you slap his hand away.

you were about to say something but carlos's body was pulled away from you, and to the ground. grayson stood there with his nostrils flared and his jaw clenched.

"stay the fuck away from y/n. that's my girl." grayson spits.

"jesus, whats the big deal?" carlos laughs. grayson kicks him in the balls. "the deal is that she's mine and not yours. got it?"

he groans in pain. grayson walks over to you and gives you a big warm hug, kissing your cheek. "lets go,"

you wrap your legs around him and he stand up fully. "yeah, i kind of lost my appetite." you respond.


i want this type of relationship.

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