✧ the ballroom - ethan

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ethans p.o.v;

the elegant ballroom was lit up with beautiful glowing lights. the marble ground was perfection and the walls had a divine design of gold swirls. the giant diamond chandelier hung in the middle of the ceiling, it sparkling as lights radiated off it.

me and my brother stood in the corner, talking and overall just having a good time. the fancy music has transitioned to a slow song, every couple getting together and dancing, swaying their body together.

grayson looked at me, and but his lip. "uh, pardon me ethan, but my date is waiting for me," he respectfully points to his girlfriend, raven. i nod in response. "of course, go on, don't let me stop you." i say.

he shoots me a 'thank you' look, his face showing with a hint of guilt. he knows i don't have a date to this, and he feels bad about leaving me alone.

i leaned back against the wall, crossing my arms together. i looked all around the room, and my eyes attached to the huge red velvet staircase, with a beautiful girl walking down, alone.

she had a light yellow dress, simple yet astounding. her dress wraps around her curves beautifully. she looked a bit nervous. her beautiful hair curled and resting against her back.

she looked all around the room, and sighed. her facial expression was unhappy, she looked a bit hurt.

i made my way to her, and it was quite difficult. "excuse me, i'm sorry," was what i said making my way through the dancing crowd. finally, after which felt like forever, i got to her.

"hello," i greeted. she looked at me, her dazzling eyes glistening. "hey," she responded.

"would you like to dance?" i suggested. she nodded, and placed her hands on my broad shoulders. my hands found her hips, our bodies moving to the song.

"you look gorgeous," i truthfully said. she blushed, a rosy color blossoming upon her cheeks. "thank you, you look handsome." she laughed, i smiled.

"are you here by yourself?" i questioned. she bit her lip. "y-yeah, my friend dragged me into this. but she ditched me." she lied.

"oh, well i'm sorry." i apologized. she shook her head 'no'. "oh, it's fine, honestly." she said, smiling. she stared in my eyes, "have we met before?"

"i don't recall," i say. she cocked her head slightly. "what is your name?" i asked her.

"y/n, y/n y/l/n," she smiles. my face flushed a pale color, i stop moving my body, and stop dead in my tracks.

"w-what?" i asked, terrified.

y/n died due to suicide five years ago.


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