✧ shopping - ethan

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i love you


i clenched onto ethans windbreaker from behind, nervous and scared. he pulled me so i was by his hip and wrapped a hand around my smaller body.

"baby, it's okay." he said. i nodded, his words not helping. i was always so shy, and powerless.

i felt people staring at me, my face turning the color of a ripe cherry. ethan rubbed my back. "it's okay," he smiled.

he grabbed a cart. ethan picked me up and put me in. i felt a little better, but extremely uncomfortable. i shifted around the cart lightly.

"uncomfortable, princess?" ethan asked. "y-yeah," i stuttered. he smiled and gave me a soft blanket.

"is that your kid or something?" a lady asked. my heart pounded, being scared from a person that wasn't ethan in front of me. "no, why?"

"why is she in a cart?"

"why don't you mind your own business?"

the lady gave him a disgusted look and walked away. i looked at ethan. "are you okay princess?" he grazed his thumb on my cheek.

i softly smiled and nodded. "yes."

ethan mouthed an 'okay' before taking out a shopping list. "hmmm, we need eggs and milk."

i groaned a little bit. ethan raised an eyebrow. "i'll make grayson do it. let's go," he picked my body up. but, i didn't want him to let go, so i clung my legs to his torso.

he kissed my forehead and walked out the store. "i love you, baby cakes," he smiled.


i want to
leave school
and never go back.

q u e s t i o n :

what country do you live in?

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