✧ meet again - grayson

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walking down the sidewalk at 11 pm, i inhaled the fresh air. the l.a lights shine brightly, cars passing me by every second.

i accidentally bumped into a smaller figure. "sorry!" i apologize. the person looks up. "it's okay-"

"y/n?" i interrupt. "grayson?" she said back. "oh my god, y/n!" i exclaimed, hugging her. she smiled, "i cant believe it!"

about 4 years ago, i moved to l.a with my twin brother ethan. i left my bestfriend y/n, which was a hard experience. we sadly forgot about each other as we went our separate ways. "what are you doing her in l.a?" i asked.

"i just moved here!" she fixed her watch. she glanced at it, her eyes widening. "oh my gosh, i'm late!"

"sorry, but i have to go." she said. "wait! i need your new number!"

"oh yeah! here." she hands me her phone and we exchanged numbers.

"sorry i gotta go so late! i just really can't miss this meeting." she apologizes. i nod. "it's okay, go!"

she smiles. "i forgot how sweet you were."


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