✧ the end - ethan

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"no! this can't be the end!" i shrieked, prancing around the house. ethan sat on our couch and called his family, telling them he loves them so very much.

the purple ominous clouds swirled dangerously in the sky, sucking everything up like a vacuum. my eyes watered as i dropped to my knees, and started praying.

ethan came up behind me and rubbed my back, trying to stay calm. i looked up towards him to see his beautiful face, and how i couldn't spend the rest of my life with him.

i jumped into his arms and began sobbing in the crook of his neck. we planned out our whole life, and the worst part of all was i was pregnant. i wouldn't be able to give birth to mine and ethans child, because this was the end.

the baby kicked, and i gasped and pulled away from ethan. i grabbed his hand and put it on my moving belly, this being the first time the baby ever kicked.

he put a hand over his mouth as his tears now escaped his hazel eyes. he brought his face close to my stomach and lifted up my shirt.

"hey baby, i know i'll never see you. i'll never get to touch you. i'll never get to spend my life caring for you. anyways, i wanted to let you know me and your mama love you so much. we're blessed to have you in her body," he rubs my stomach, "and i love you." he ends his little speech with a gentle kiss.

i wiped away my tears as i hugged ethan again, but we were interrupted by the swirling clouds. it made a sinister noise, before coming closer to our house.

then, it finally reached our house. i shut my eyes hard, but i squeezed ethan harder. his final words to me were, "i love you baby," before we got sucked up in the deadly clouds.



  you three mean
the absolute
world to me.
i love you all!!!!

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