✧ college - both

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the college i attended had offered roommates. i decided to apply to be assigned one, but now i realize i should've never applied. i suck at making friends, and for all i know my roommate can be a druggie or something.

i couldn't go and change my decision now. i gripped the box of my personal belongings as i walked up the stairs. my dorm was coming up, and i'm pretty sure anyone in china can hear it.

i didn't know wether to knock on the door or just to simply unlock it.

well, it is my dorm.

with my free hand, i pulled the keys out from my back jeans pocket and unlocked the door. i gently pushed it open to see a good looking guy with a pink snapback shirtless.

i moved the box in front of my face. "i'm sorry! i didn't know!" i immediately apologized. i heard the boy laugh before pulling the box away from my hidden face.

"no need to apologize. i'm grayson!" he flashed a smile, sticking out his hand. i took ahold of his huge hand, and then he shook it softly.

grayson put the box on the coffee table. "w-we'll i'm y/n," i awkwardly said. i mentally cursed at myself for being so weird. grayson didn't seem to notice though.

"must be our new roommate."

"our?" i asked.

he nodded, taking off his pink hat. "ethan!" he shouted.

from down the hall there was door creaking open, then footsteps.

a boy identical to grayson came out, smiling. "hey g, whos this?" he grabbed my hand and shook it. "y/n. she's our new roommate."

"hey," i greeted. this time not being so awkward. ethan smirked, looking me up and down. "hey baby," he winked before walking off. grayson rolled his eyes as i blushed intently.

don't mind my brother, he's like that naturally.

i nodded.


i'm glad i didn't change my decision.

ethan and grayson are my best friends, and life couldn't be better.


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