✧ bffs - grayson

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awkward mofo.
ages: 13 & 13

grayson invited me over to his house to spend the night; he told me he needed help studying for biology. me and grayson have been friends since sixth grade, so we're pretty close. i packed my backpack along with some clothes.

"mom! im heading over to graysons for the night!" i hollered. "alrighty i love you rat!" she shouted back. im laughed and open and shut the front door.

i walked across to graysons house. i opened the front door with no problem, i didn't even have to knock. his house is practically my second home.

"hey [y/n]!" lisa smiled. i grinned back and waved. "hey mama!"

she doesn't care what i call her. her and my mom are bestfriends, they're so close that it kinda weirds me out. i call her mama because she's like my second parent. 

i jogged up their stairs into grayson room. "gray!" i exclaimed.

he was playing his ps4. he paused his game and turned to me. "hey [y/n]!" i looked across him room to see his bio text book opened, his notebook open, and a bunch of paper balls everywhere.

"woah woah woah what happened here?" i asked dropping my bag to my feet. he chuckles a bit. "i kinda got angry."

"youre dumb." i joked. he just rolled his eyes. "what are you still doing in your school polo?" grayson asks, pointing at your shirt.

"well sorry! i went straight to my aunts house to baby sit. then i came back home, and then you texted me." i sighed.

"mind if i change?" i ask. grayson shakes his head. "no" he un pauses his game and continues playing.

i pull off my shirt, to be left in my sports bra. i felt comfortable changing in front of grayson; i didn't care in general.

i grabbed my bag off the floor and took out a 'mtv' shirt. [LMAO LMAO DONT JUDGE] "whats your grade in bio again? C-?" i questioned, slipping over my shirt.

"no, D+," grayson groaned. i laughed as i crumbled my polo and stuck it back in my backpack. "i have an A+." i beamed.

"yeah youre the lucky one, mr jones hates me." he said as he tossed you a play station remote, with his eyes still glued to the screen.

"well maybe if you weren't so immature he might like you 1%" you muttered. you logged into your profile and started playing his game.

you tapped your foot against the frame of his bed. "this level again?"

"yeah we have to beat it," he said.

"no! im not playing this again!" you logged off. you laid back dramatically on his bed. "whyyyyyyy?" grayson asked.

"because that shiz took us four hours to accomplish."

grayson exhaled. "oh! and don't we have some work to do?" you tapped his books. his expression dropped.

"but i don't wannaaaaaaaaaaaaa," he whined. i got up and walked to ethans room. "ethan! code green." you yelled.

ethans door was closed, which was weird. if he was changing he would yell back, "code 122!" but he didn't. grayson came behind you.

"whats he doing?" he asked.

"i have noo idea," you dragged the 'no'.

"wait! lemme get my phone so i can record this." grayson said. you nodded, as grayson ran to his room and then back to you.

you and grayson both tip toed to his door. you placed your hand on his cold metal doorknob. you twisted it and pushed open.


both of you stopped in your tracks. you and grayson saw ethan making out with some girl.

the girl and him stopped and froze. ethan jumped up. "what the hell [y/n]?!" he roared. you smirked as you stood in your place.

"i said code green, and you didn't answer. so, by rules im allowed to open your door." you slyly said. grayson held one hand over his mouth as he continued to record.

you and grayson exchanged looks. both of you ran back to graysons room.

shutting the door closed, you both burst out in laughter.

"d-d-did you vatch that on camera?" you asks between laughs.

"yeahah!" grayson chokes out.

after a few minutes, you both get back in control. then grayson plays the video.


lisa knocks on the door. "are you guys okay?"

"yes! come in!" grayson says.

she comes in, confused. "what are you two laughing about?"

grayson shows her the video.

"oh my g- ETHAN!" she yells. ethan comes out from his room.

"what mom?" he asks, a bit annoyed.

"what is this?" she grabs graysons phone and shows ethan the video.

"OH MY GOSH GRAYSON!" ethan whines, throwing his phone on the ground. ethan covers his face in embarrassment.

lisa gets up and walks to ethans room. she see's the girl sitting awkwardly on ethans bed. "honey, your mom called. she wants you home."

"but my mom doesn't have your number-"


grayson and i both go back into laughing like donkeys.

word count: 850

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