✧ road trip - ethan

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my last chapter
was such a flop.


you and ethan both lived in l.a; l.a being known for the land of movie stars and crammed sidewalks. you and ethan loved adventure, so l.a probably isn't the best place to live.

ethan wanted to go somewhere, somewhere away from california. california isn't all that cool, once you live there.

so, you and ethan decided to go on a road trip. you both packed snacks and a small bag of clothes, and other stuff related to that.

you both decided on going to arizona to see the grand canyon. you started driving at 11 pm, which probably wasn't the best decision.

ethan wanted to go the long way, the way with. no cars. you agreed, him being the driver after all. you shifted in the seat of his truck, your back feeling uncomfortable. your eyes found the clock, the time reading 12:32.

"ethan, i'm tired. can we stop at a hotel or something?" you asked, pulling your seat belt. ethan sighed while smiling, his large hand gripping your thigh.

"all ready tired?" he laughed. you nodded. he tossed you his phone and said, "check to see where the nearest hotel is."

you tapped in his passcode, which he had given you, and google searched the nearest hotel. you groaned once you found out the nearest hotel.

"two hours away?!" you groaned, turning ethans phone off. you put his phone in the cup holder. your lips tugged into a frown.

"how about you sleep in the back?" ethan suggested, eyes locked on the road. your frown changed into a smile. "oh, yeah!"

you took off your seat belt, and hopped in the back. you laid horizontally, as you put a thin soft blanket over your body. "definitely not as comfortable as our bed," you said.

"well it's definitely something," ethan said, his hand ruffling his hair.

your eye lids grew heavy, your world fading a dark black. right before you were about to fall asleep, you heard the words: "goodnight angel," escape ethans lips.


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