✧ marry me - ethan

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ethan tangled his hands with y/n's. they roamed the beach, at 3 am. who else would go to the beach at this time?

inside ethans beach bag, was a tiny velvet box. inside that box, laid the most precious diamond ring. y/n had no clue.

she laid a red huge blanket above the soft sand, and sat on it. she motioned ethan to sit next to her. his legs shook from the nervousness building inside his body.

he couldn't wait any longer. right now, it was the most perfect time. the city lights glistening, the sky filled with diamond like stars, the ocean sounds, and most of all, y/n made it complete.

ethan got the velvet box sneakily, and shoved it in his shorts pocket.

it's now or never, ethan. he thought.

he got on one knee, and y/n looked up to him. her eyes sparkling, the way she saw him when they first met. he took out the box, resulting to y/n to put her hands over her mouth

"ethan?" her muffled voice questioned.

"y/n y/m/n y/l/n, from the first day i laid my eyes on you, i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. will you marry me?" he asked, opening the box with ease.

a tear slipped from y/n's eyes. "oh my god, yes!" she cried. ethan took her ring finger and slipped the ring on. after that, he pulled her body close to his, y/n's cries escaping.

"i-i love you-u so much," she whispered. ethan rubbed her back. "i love you more," he smiled.


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