✧ the other twin - both

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request; @memesandspices
i pulled up to ethan and graysons house. i noticed an extra car pulled up, but i don't care. it could be camerons.

opening the door with my spare key, i walked in myself. i texted ethan.

me: hey, im downstairs

i heard his phone ding, but he didn't answer.

whatta bitch.

i walked up the stairs slowly, and anxiety started to grow inside of me. what if he's hurt? what if he's... dead?

my heart thumped. i ran upstairs and opened his door.

oh how i wish i didn't open that door.

on his bed was ethan kissing another girl. they were fully clothed, just sitting on the bed.

i stopped in my tracks. "ethan?"

ethan took a double take at me. "maya!"

i took a long look at the girl.

my bestfriend.

a hot tear rolled down my cheek. i stormed out of the room and downstairs.

i bumped into grayson. he was holding a few grocery bags. "woah woah maya what's wrong?"

the feelings inside me were ready to come out. like a storm. i threw my hands around grayson torso, carelessly. "ethan-n is kissing another g-girl..." i cried.

graysons hand rubbed my back up and down soothingly. "shh shh it's okay..."

"WAIT, HE WHAT?" he stopped. i looked up in his hazel eyes. i wiped a tear. "he cheated on me." i said.

"WHERE IS HE?" grayson said, removing his hands away from me. i pointed towards upstairs.

grayson stormed upstairs. "ETHAN!"

i followed behind. "no grayson stop!"

grayson opened his door to see ethan pacing around his room with my bestfriend just staring at him. i hid behind grayson.


"maya's bestfriend?" grayson whispered.

i looked at my friend, and her eyes meet mine. i furrow my brows and let go of grayson. i walk away.

"ethan what is wrong with you, assclown?" grayson muttered before walking off.

i sat on the couch, crying. grayson sat next to me and hugged me, pulling me closer towards him. "maya i'm so sorry," he said.

i didn't respond. my heart just felt like it has been torn, my mind is lost in the dust, my body feels numb, and my voice is broken.

grayson kissed the top of my head. i looked up at him, my lip quivering.

graysons eyes were watery. he stared at my lips and back at my eyes.

he leaned in and placed his soft pink lips on mine.

at first i didn't do anything, then i kissed back.

my foggy mind faded and i could feel my body again.
part two is coming(:

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