✧ cheating - ethan

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this is a long one, buckle up folks.
today i decided to surprise ethan. i went ahead and walked to the nearest mini mart and bought ethans favorite food. i know this is going to be a good plan.

i love surprising ethan. i love seeing his face lit up with joy. he makes my heart flutter, my world stop, my worries fade... overall he makes me very happy.

i stepped foot outside the building, and cold air slapped my face. i looked all around to see the sky a light gray, and the clouds ominous. i shook my head in disbelief.

"stupid bipolar weather," i scoffed. i held the plastic bag in my right hand, as i dug my other in the pocket of my hoodie.

its not long of a walk from the mini mart to ethans house. i walked fast; i hate the cold.

after about three minutes of walking of what which felt like a snowstorm, i arrived on ethans front porch. i saw graysons truck pull into the driveway.

grayson hopped out of his truck. "[y/n]!"

"hi gray," you smiled as you both did your 'secert' handshake you both made up in 8th grade. its a usual thing, you do it every time you both see each other.

"are you surprising ethan?" grayson asked as he pointed at the plastic bag on your arm. you nodded. "are you?" you asked back.

"haha yeah, i actually am. i got him an iphone x, just like me." he gave me a cheeky grin.

i headed for the door. "hes a lucky one." i laughed.

grayson chuckled as he unlocked the door. i put my index finger up to my lips and said, "shh, lets go surprise him."

grayson agreed, as we both tip toed upstairs. we finally made it up, and we both stopped dead in our tracks.

we heard moaning coming from ethans room. his door was closed, and all i could hear was ethan grunting and a girl moaning very high pitch.

a tear slipped from my eye. i dropped the bag i was holding, and let it fall to the floor.

anger flushed through me. how dare he?! i looked at grayson, his face still and him mouth in the shape of an 'o'.

i stormed towards ethans room and opened the door. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?" i screamed.

ethan fastly turned his head to me, and got off from over the girl. the girl hid her exposed body under the sheets. "uh um uh [y/n]-"

"TELL ME ETHAN!" i sobbed. grayson came up from behind me and hugged me. i immediately hugged him back.

"come on lets go [y/n]." grayson calmly said. grayson let go of me and got my bag and his bag and threw it at ethan. "surprise, bitch."

ethan sat on the bed dumbfounded. he got the bag grayson and i got him and opened it. tears fell from his eyes and onto his sheets.
grayson drove me to my home. he stopped his truck and wiped my tears. "are you okay, [y/n]?" he asked. i shook my head no.

i felt broken. absolutely broken. how could ethan do such a thing?

i didn't have the power to move. grayson got of the truck, and opened my door for me. he took me out as if i was a baby.

in result, i wrapped my legs around him and laid my face in the crook of his neck. i cried. i cried into his neck.

"w-w-why-y..." i cried. i tightened my grip on graysons shoulders. "why would he do this to me?"

grayson rubbed my back. "shhh," he said.

he opened my front door and closed it with the heel of his foot. he went to my room and gently put me on my bed.

"grayson..." i whined. "hmm?"

"why aren't sticking up for ethan? he's your twin bro-"

"yeah, and youre my bestfriend. he hurt you. i don't care what he is, he broke you." he said.

i bit my lip as i hugged him. i just cried into his sweatshirt.

the last i heard was grayson comforting me, then my whole world going black.
word count : 693

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