✧ twin - ethan

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he finds out you have a twin.

my twin, jessica, was sick. which meant i had to face school alone.

i already was running late, which was great. i stumbled into my first period, aka history. i pushed opened the door and everyones eyes were on me.

"[y/n], youre late." mrs connor said. i nodded. "yeah, sorry."

"as i was saying class," mrs connor said loudly, "you guys will be doing projects. in pairs."

i sat at my table and looked around, to see a new guy. he was stunning. his jawline was carved perfectly, his eyebrows were arched beautifully, his hazel eyes focused on the teacher, his plump pink lips resting.

"oh, also there is a new student." mrs connor said, tiredly. she pointed to the guy i was looking at. "his name is ethan."

ethan waved.

mrs connor looked at her clipboard. "moving onto partners, we have rebecca and derrick, lucy and shanna, ryan and piper, ethan and [y/n],"

after i heard my name placed with ethans, mrs connors voice faded from my mind. i cant believe im with the new guy!

i clicked my pen nervously.

"okay guys, meet with your partners." mrs connor demanded.

i looked at ethan. he got up and sat in the empty seat next to me. "hey."

i put my pen down. "hey."

"so, can i go to your place to do this project?" ethan asked, kind of ashamed.

i nodded. "yeah, but why not your place?"

"my brother will annoy me about having a girl over." ethan rubbed the back of his hand.


the bell meaning school ended rung. i slammed my locker shut and walked to the entrance, forgetting ethan.

"[y/n]!" i heard ethans voice call. i look back to see ethan jogging lightly. "wait up."

"oh yeah! the project." i replied.

we both walked to my car, and got in.

"where do you live?" ethan asked.

i revved the car. "uh, about five minutes away." i said not looking at ethan.

"cool cool,"

i drove the car and i passed ethan my aux cord. "here, play some songs. i wanna know what type of music your in to."

ethan smiled. "you sure?"

"yes, i am sure." i laughed.

ethan started playing black bear. i stiffened in my seat. "you like black bear?" i ask.

"yeah, is he to emotional?" ethan asked, unlocking his phone to change the song.

"no. i love him!" i smile. i pulled up into my driveway. "well we're here."

we both get out and we walk to my front door. i fumble with my keys before unlocking the door. i threw my backpack on the floor.

"this is my place." i brought my hands to my sides. ethan day on my couch. "it's way better than mine."

"so, what's your brothers name?" i ask, flicking on the tv.

"grayson. he goes to a different school than me." ethan sighed.

"where does he go?"

"golden river."

my jaw dropped. that school was crazy hard to get into. "how come you don't go there?"

"he got accepted, i didn't."

i bit my lip. "sorry."

we were interrupted by knocking on the door. i was about to get up until jessica, my sister, was already storming down stairs. "i'll get it!" she squealed, in a red tight dress. she didn't bother looking at me and ethan.

she opened the door, and standing there was a guy that looked identical to ethan.

"grayson!" jessica smiled.

"grayson?" ethan asked.

"another ethan?" i said.

"wait another [y/n]?" ethan looked at jessica, then back at me.

everyone's heads were spinning.

"i didn't know you had a twin," ethan said, looking at me.

"you didn't say you had one, either." i remark.

jessica fixed her straps on her dress. "well this is my boyfriend..." she said awkwardly.

grayson waved, but his eyes remained on ethan.

sorry i've been an inactive lately. :(

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