✧ pregnant - grayson

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my shaky hands held the pregnancy test, as i opened my eyes. my eyes instantly widened as i read the symbol, '+'.

i gently dropped the test on the counter and covered my mouth, sobs escaping already. i put a hand on my belly and smiled, tears flowing down my face.

i heard grayson come in the room. "hey baby," he said. he walked to me to see my cheeks stained with tears, my eyes red and my lip quivering. "oh my, what's the matter?" he hugged me.

"i'm pregnant-t," i stuttered. grayson pulled away from the hug, his mouth open. his eyes were open fully. "no way!" he ran his hands through his brown hair.

i nodded, showing him the test. he gasped, his hands returning to his head. he pick me up and softly dropped me on our bed, his body entangling with mine. his face dug into the crook of my neck. i felt his warm breath as he cried tears of joy.

- 17 weeks later -

"well, your baby is healthy. would you like to know the gender of it?" the doctor asked, taking off his gloves.

i looked up at grayson, to see his response. he kissed my forehead. "it's up to you babygirl," he said.

"we would like to know." i told doctor. the doctor nodded. "it's a baby boy,"

my eyes watered as grayson was in awe. "oh my godddd," grayson gasped.

- 8 months later -

"one more month," grayson whispered under his breath. it was 12 am in the morning and we were watching friends. his hands grazed my big stomach as he planted kisses on it. "i cant wait for you to come in this world,"

i was slowly falling asleep to graysons sweet comments, but was woken up to the baby kicking. "o-oh," i whispered-grunted. graysons eyes widened as he lightly placed his ear to my belly.

"look at you, kicking mama like that," grayson chuckled. [GRAYSON AS A DAD FUCK ME UPPPPP]

- the next day -

"so, what should we name our son?" i asked, putting on some warm socks. grayson blow dried his wet hair. "uh, scarpepo?" he joked.

i looked down at my stomach. "hey lil scarpepo," i rubbed my round belly.

"we'll think of something, don't worry baby." grayson reassured.

- 1 month later - (SO MUCH TIME SKIPS)

"push!" the doctors voice rung in my head. i squeezed graysons hand hard i'm pretty ire he's losing blood there. but at this moment, all i cared about was my baby.

"one more y/n!" the doctor shouted.

i pushed as hard as i could, and before i knew it i heard soft baby crying. my whole body relaxed as i fell back onto the hospital bed. grayson stared at the bloody baby in front of him. (me too gray.)

"he's gorgeous," grayson said, breathless.

- 10 minutes later -

"here's your baby boy," the sweet nurse brought the baby to me. i carried his delicate body close my chest, his eyes fluttering open.

"is it normal for babies to open their eyes so early?" i asked. the nurse nodded. "yes."

grayson wrapped his arm around me, and kissed my lips. "you're gonna be such an amazing mom," grayson smiled. "what are you gonna name him?" the nurse asked.

me and grayson smirked. "tyler nigel dolan." we said in sync.


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