✧ acne - grayson

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inspired by my old imagines book


staring at your reflection in the mirror, tears fell down your face. you were sobbing silently in the bathroom, not wanting grayson to hear.

you were about to go to a party, and you were heading in your bathroom to freshen up. you couldn't help but stare at all the acne scars on your face.

scars everywhere.

you attempted to put foundation all over your face, but you just looked like a baked potato. you washed your face to remove the foundation.

now here you are, crying in the bathroom.

"why can i just have damn clear skin?" you whispered to yourself. you've had acne all your life, and you tried to think nothing of it.

then, more thoughts started to roll in your mind.

is grayson just dating me out of pity?

you broke down completely, forgetting grayson was just a few rooms away. your eyelashes were tangled and wet, your cheeks stained.

"y/n?" grayson knocked on the door. no response. he just heard your sobs. fortunately, for grayson, you didn't lock the door. he quickly turned the door knob.

"y/n oh my god!" he gasped, pulling you into his chest. "what's the matter?"

"my acne-e grayson, it's horrible-e," you stated, still crying. grayson shook his head and wiped your tears.

"baby, no, it's not."

"yes it is grayson! stop lying to me! it's fucking ugly! fucking red scars just plastered on my face! you're just saying it's not bad so you can make me feel better." you snapped. you rushed out of the bathroom and went to the bedroom.

grayson sighed.

grayson knows that you're beautiful know matter what. grayson knows that acne doesn't define you. grayson knows that the scars will fade. grayson knows the redness will fade. grayson knows to give it time and dedication.

but... grayson doesn't know how to put that into words.


my acne sucks. like it's not even minor acne, it's all over my cheeks. kill my fucking self.

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