✧ innocence - both [2]

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since many of you
enjoyed part 1 :)


"guys, why are you being so nice to me? you're usually so rude to other people at school..." i ask. ethan bites the inside of his cheek. grayson scratches his neck, "well, you're different. you're adorable, innocent, an angel, pure, a princess, basically you're not like all the girls at school. and you deserve to be treated like royalty." grayson said honestly.

i bit my bottom lip gently. "no ones ever said that to me," i smiled. ethan smirks, and rubs my ass. "not to mention you have a great ass,"

i hid my face in ethans shoulder. "s-stop," i laughed. the twins both chuckled. ethan places me down on the sand. i felt like a kid again.

i quickly took of my vans and socks, and ran around in the sand. the warm sand felt amazing on my feet. ethan and grayson both chuckled again.

once i was done running, i put my sweatshirt hood on and laid down, so i wouldn't get any sand in my hair.

"thanks guys, for bringing me here." i say. grayson takes a seat next to me. "no problem baby,"

ethan sits on the opposite side of me and pulls me so my upper body is laying on his lap. they really must like me, im not used to this much attention.

he plays with my hair. grayson looks at my shoes. "i never knew you had such small feet princess," he laughs.

"size 7 isn't that s-small," i said. grayson chuckles and rubs my thigh. i could stay in this moment forever. they're acting so sweet and loving.

i fell asleep again to the soothing sounds of the beach, the warm sand on my legs, grayson rubbing my thighs and ethan playing with my hair. everything about this was perfect.

i woke up to ethan softly shaking me. "wake up beautiful, we have to go to our next destination." he says. i sit up and slip on my shoes. grayson picks me up and i wrap my legs around him. i feel protected in their arms. "morning princess," he whispers, and kisses my forehead. i smile.

we get into ethans truck and i sit on graysons lap again. i don't feel as nervous as i was before.

"hey baby, what's a blowjob?" ethan asks, driving off. i sit there in silence for a bit before saying, "i don't k-know,"

grayson chuckles and says, "do you want to know?" i nod. "yeah."

he whispers in my ear what it meant. i put my hand over my mouth and gasp. "w-what? people actually do that?" i question.

ethan nods. "it's a pretty nice feeling,"

"o-oh," i mutter.


we arrive at an ice cream parlor, and i'm delighted! i happily hop off ethans truck and i wait patiently for the twins for get out.

"come on princess, let's go." ethan takes my hand and i walk next to him, grayson fixing his leather jacket.

the parlor was packed nor deserted, so that's nice. i waited by the two boys, feeling like a kid next to them, as i was tiny compared to them.

when it was our turn to order, the boy working the cashier kept staring at me. "what can i get you all today?" he asked. grayson looks down at me. "what would you like princess?"

i bit my lip as i looked through the glass, wondering what to get. my eyes landed on neapolitan.

"neapolitan p-please," i said to the boy, who was looking at me if i was a newborn baby. he smiled, and pushed something on the cash register.

i tightened my grip on ethans hand, i felt nervous. he looked down at me, and grazed his hand on my back, showing that it was okay.

ethan and grayson ordered and payed for all us, and we sat at a booth, waiting for our ice creams. i sat next to ethan and grayson sat on the other side. i was placed at the window seat.

"i don't like how that guy was looking at you baby," ethan said to me, as he traced circles on my thigh.

before i could say anything, the same guy delivered our ice creams. grayson and ethan shot him a dirty look, and the guy gave me a slip of paper. he walked off. i was going to read it, but grayson quickly got it first.

"you're hot, call me ; (420) - 666 - 6969" grayson read out loud. ethan clenched his jaw, and graysons nostrils flared.

"oh i swear to fucking g-" grayson cursed, getting up out of his seat. "come here baby," he sternly called.

i slipped under the booth and to him, and he took ahold of my hand and quickly pulled me to the boy.

"listen here shithead, she mine. back off," grayson spat in the guys face. my heart fluttered at his words, heat rising in my cheeks.

"sorry..." the guy backed away. graysons biceps flexed under his leather jacket. "yeah, you better be sorry asshole."

he pulled me back to the booth, and hugged me tight. "sorry you had to see that baby..."


i should make this
into a book where
the twins and you
just live together
and crazy shit

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