✧ wisdom teeth - both

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hi hi tomorrow i have a chem exam and i studied for the last three days and i'm proud of myself
"grayson dolan and ethan dolan?" the doctor asked, looking at his clipboard.

"that's us," grayson raised his hand as he got up from the blue waiting chair. ethan stood up nervously.

"good, come right this way." the doctor smiled. ethan and grayson made their way in the back.

"egg man and grape son?!" [y/n] shouted. the doctor gave a sheepish smile as he opened the door to [y/n]'s room.

"[y/n]?" grayson chuckled.

"oh heyyyyyy grape son!" she smiled. ethan laughed.

"what are you laughing at e-tee-wee-tee?" [y/n] scolded. the doctor gave ethan a weird look. "is that your nickname?" he asked.

ethans sighs. "yeah, it's an embarrassing one..." ethan scratches the back of his neck.

"nah man it's a funny one." [y/n] said. "oh and you crimson chin! gimme a biiiiiiiiig hug!" she pointed at grayson.

grayson rolled his eyes and hugged his girlfriend. "mmmmm you smell like berries and peaches." [y/n] whispered.

"aha, really?" grayson pulls away from the hug and looks in her eyes.

"no! you smell like shit!"

"[y/n]! language." the doctor said as he made his way out the room.


"just kidding i ain't sorry that man a bitch."

grayson and ethan exchanged looks. "this is gonna be a long ride home," ethan sighed.
short one. i'm sorry.
word count: 248

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