✧ gone girl 3 - grayson

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"y/n..." grayson gasped.

she shone as bright as the moon. her hair was as beautiful as it was when he first met her. her soft smile made grayson melt. her eyes glistened in the faint light.

she wore her favorite outfit. the outfit she was wearing the day of her disappearance.

"hi grayson." she said. grayson couldn't believe it. his body shook as he stared directly at y/n. not blinking once. she noticed his frightened state and went closer.

"i'm sorry, did i frighten you?" y/n softly spoke, laying a hand on graysons cheek.

and with her touch, grayson started to relax. his heartbeat went down fast. he felt calm.


"y/n. i, this can't be true- yes it is. no. it's your mind grayson," he shuts his eyes, "she'll be gone right when you open your eyes.

he held his eyes shut for a couple of seconds until slowly opening one eye, still seeing y/n in front of him.

"this is a dream."

"grayson. no. it's me."

"what if it's not?" grayson asked.

"i-" before y/n can finish her sentence, grayson cut her off.

"SAY SOMETHING Y/N WOULD SAY!" grayson shouted, leaning back further into his bed.

"purple toast." she replied, calmly.

graysons eyes widened. "y/n..."

that was an inside joke between the two. they never spoke about it to anyone.

gray sat up straight, leaning towards y/n he touched her hand.

her soft touch made grayson get goosebumps. he smiled, and then pulled her into his embrace.

she hugged back, tighter than ever. she twisted some of his hair with her finger.

"i've missed you so much." he cried.

y/n pulled away and quickly wiped his tears. "it's okay. i've missed you too."

"how'd you get into my house? y/n? where have you been? did you get kidnapped? y/n! what happened? are you hurt? do your parents know? how did you get here? where were you?" graysons questions spilled out of his mouth.

y/n sighed, and looked at the ground. "gray..."

grayson started shaking. "y/n, please i need to know. a-after all this time i've been going crazy." he started to sob.

"i write notes to you everyday," his voice cracked.

y/n kept looking at the ground, biting her lip.

"i know." she said.

"i know? what do you mean i know?!" grayson yelled.

"shhhh, grayson..." y/n cooed. she gently caressed his face, her thumb rubbing a circle.

"y/n..." a tear escaped his eye. "where have you been all this time?"

"i'm, well..."

she looked away fast. she took a deep breath. "i dont know how to say this gray. i never wanted to. but after watching over you-"

"o-o-over me-e?" grayson squeaked.

she softly nodded.

"y-y-youre... d-d-d-dea-"

"yes." she firmly stated.


besides "gone girl", does anyone have any suggestions for me to write about?

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