✧ eyes - ethan

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wrote an imagine
like this before
in my old book


me and ethan sat on a hill, that hill being the perfect place to look at the sky. los angeles had beautiful sunsets... sometimes.

ethan was special. now i'm not just saying that. his eyes were unique, they didn't exactly act like normal eyes do.

his eyes changed colors depending on his mood. he can't help what color his eyes change to. after two years, i know the colors of his eyes like the back of my hand.

red: anger
orange: annoyed
yellow: happy
green: excited
blue: sad
purple: love

we both stared off into the glorious sunset, his arm around me. i rested my head against his shoulder, before i looked up at him.

he was the most gorgeous man i've ever laid my eyes on. speaking of eyes, ethans flashed a purple, then pink.

i've never seen pink before.

"ethan?" i sat up straight. he looked at me, if he had done something wrong. "yeah?" he asked back.

"your eyes are pink. what does that mean?" i fiddled with my fingers.

"o-oh," he looked away. i gently placed my hand on his face, making him look at me.

"tell me," i whisper said. he nodded, licking his lips.

"well, i don't know why i'm so nervous to say this but- what it is, it means that i'm astounded. but i can only be like this by one thing..."



70k reads.
holy shit.

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