✧ remember me - ethan [2]

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o n e  y e a r  l a t e r  a f t e r  e t h a n s 
d i s s a p p e a r a n c e . . .

i ran to the police station, as i found some evidence from the disappearance of ethan dolan. i clutched a journal that belonged to him, my vans hitting the concrete harshly. i cant believe i barely found this evidence now, and not a year ago.

i pushed open the front doors of the local police station, everyone's eyes instantly on me. i ignored the stares at went to the front desk.

"i have evidence for the ethan dolan case!" i said confidently. the lady looked at baffled and weird, like i was some sort of joke.

"sweetie, that case has been closed a week ago." the woman explained. my eyebrows weaved together as i shook my head. "b-but i have evidence!"

"i said, the case is closed." she said more sternly. i scoffed and turned on my heel, and out the door.

a tear slipped from my eye. i took a seat on a bench as i opened up his journal.

new jersey -> l.a
l.a -> hawaii
hawaii -> australia
australia -> ???

what did this mean? was this his plans to leave? where was he now?

thoughts flustered my mind as i grew more frustrated. i miss ethan, i'm in a really bad state of depression, and i cant seem to figure out his little notes.

i decided to go to the river and free my mind.

- 3 min later -

i sat on the big rock me and ethan used to sit on. then, i felt uncomfortable. so i sat on the grass next to it. i laid on my back, and rested my feet on the rock. i pushed it with my feet, causing it to move a bit.

under the rock, was a folded piece of paper. my heart jumped, as i love mysteries. i instantly sat up and unfolded the paper.

if you find this, ethan dolan is in l.a in apartment complex 331.
- ?

my blood raced through my veins as i got the paper and ran to my house, packing my bags to go to l.a and find my bestfriend.


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