✧ bad dream - ethan

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short one :)


you were sleeping in yours and ethans king sized bed, yet you were awakened from ethan shifting around too much. you sat up and felt his forehead, to notice it was sweaty.

parts of his beautiful hair stuck to his forehead. his eyebrows were furrowed and his lip was trembling a bit. you decided to wake him up as you hated seeing him in this type of state. you placed your hands on his clothed chest and shook him awake lightly.

"ethan? wake up baby," you cooed. his eyes shot open and his face was in pure terror, his heart pounding hard. he soon examined your face and he sighed, pulling you into his embrace.

"t-thank y-you," he stuttered out. your head laid on his chest and you could hear and feel his heart running a marathon. "for what?" you asked.

"for waking me up, i couldn't stand being in the nightmare for much longer." he explained. you put your hands on each side of him and kissed his lips softly and passionately. his lips tasted like faint cherries.

"it's okay baby, it's all over now," you reassured. he nodded and smiled, pulling you back into a big hug. ethan craves feeling your body against his, your body warmth radiating off you to him.

ethan flopped you both over so now you were both spooning, him being the big spoon and you being the little spoon. his arms tangled around your waist. his breaths began to slow down, his eyes fluttering back to sleep.

"goodnight, my angel." ethan kisses the top of your head.


i liked writing this one.
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