✧ read if you are having a bad day

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hey you!
yes, you.
not the creepy homeless man behind you.

did you look?

probably not. but that's not the point! the point is that i wanted to tell you all that you mean something to the world. you were put here for a reason, and you are beautiful and loved.

now, why am i saying this? we all deserve to hear these words of encouragement. i love you!!! i swear, i do! you're amazing and worth it.

if you're having a rough time, feel free to pm me! i won't judge you, believe me, i won't. i'm not that sick of a person.

you are amazing. not even lying.


okay? okay.

"you are the shit."
-ethan dolan

life is not always easy, it's like a long road. we can have some bumps sometimes but at the end we arrive at a beautiful destination.

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