✧ remember me - ethan [4]

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sydney australia, hello! finally, i'm at my destination. i type in the address the mystery person gave me into my phone, realizing that their location is one hour away.

i mentally face palm myself. i call for a taxi, and i got one quite quick. i got in, placing my luggage next to me and closing the door. "where to?" the driver asked.

"78936 cherry lane," i said. the driver nodded and entered in the address into the gps.

i folded my shaky hands on my lap and tried to relax. this whole adventure is making me slowly go broke... but it's all for ethan.

i shut my eyes, ready for the long drive.

- one hour later -

"miss? miss!" the drivers voice woke me. i opened my eyes, and looked all around me. for a second, i forgot where i was.

"did we get there?" was the first thing i said. the driver shook his head. "no, the gps lead me to this dead end.

my eyebrows scrunched together, my left hand falling on the door handle. "o-oh, i'll still get off here. thank you," i handed him cash.

"stay safe," he called, i nodded, and shut the door with my luggage in my hands. and with that, the car slowly drove off the opposite direction.

i looked in front of me, a huge forest was what my eyes saw. it was slowly getting dark, and now i realize this wasn't such a good idea.

but i couldn't back down now. i pulled out my phone flashlight, and shone it. i began to walk inside the forest, my shoes crunching the small twigs.

i pulled my suitcase as i got deeper and deeper into the big forest. i started to hear howls of dogs, owls hooting, and bugs buzzing.

about 10 minutes into my walking, i saw a wood sign. a boost of adrenaline shot through me, and i ran towards it.

78936 cherry lane,
13 minutes away

my heart thumped. i am so close.

a notification popped up on my phone. 20 percent remaining. i cursed under my breath. i should start running, before my phone dies and i have no more source of light.

my legs ran through the forest as fast as they could go. i felt as someone was watching me, which made me run faster.

from behind me, i heard whispers. i didn't want to look behind me, instead i ran faster. which i didn't think was possible.

i stopped at a tree, and i was panting like a dog. i placed my hand on my knee as i crouched down, trying to catch my breath.

i heard a twig snap from behind me.

my breathing stopped, as my eyes widened. i stood frozen, trying so hard not to make a single noise.

after a few minutes, i finally had the courage to look behind me. i peered from behind the tree, and my eyes couldn't make out anything.

i squinted my eyes, but nothing. i turned back around, and a dark figure stood in front of me. the figures hand snatched me, putting a damp cloth over my face.

i inhaled the chemicals that soaked the cloth, and i instantly passed out.


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