✧ detention 2 - grayson

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"we'll finish this at my house" grayson voice rung in my head. i walked to my car, as detention had ended. i placed my hand on my car door knob, i felt hands on my hips.

i turned around, to see grayson biting his lip and staring at my ass. "uh, hi?" i asked awkwardly.

sorry, i can't help i'm an awkward person.

"let's go back to my place." he winked.

"what about my car?" i asked, pointing to my car.

"i'll bring you back to pick it up, don't worry." he reassured. i nodded, and took his hand as he pulled me into truck.

he immediately sped off. he didn't live that far away, so it was good.

when we arrived, we both got out. only, grayson got out faster, and dashed to the door. while i was taking my time walking. he clenched his jaw. "hurry up!" he said, sexually frustrated.

i smiled and took my time walking in. he slapped my ass hard, causing me to look with my jaw dropped.

"ow, grayson!" i said.

he ignored my comment and picked me up bridal style and took me to his room.

he must be in a hurry.

he threw my backpack off and took off my shoes.

my heart rate was increasing, this is my first time.

he slipped off his pants and tee shirt while i took off my shirt. i wore a black lace bra, and he couldn't keep his eyes off me. i took off my jeans.

he twirled name around and pushed me harshly on the bed. he slapped my ass, causing the sound to fill the room. a red hand print appeared. i winced slightly.

he groaned and slapped my ass again. he rubbed it softly afterwards.

he ripped off my panties and rubbed my clit harshly. i let out a long moan and gripped his bed sheets.

his fingers ran through my folds, and i shook under his touch.

"fuck graysonnn" i said.

grayson placed his head on my heat and starting eating me out like crazy. i flipped myself over, so i can run my hands through his platinum blonde hair. [ rip brown chocolate locks;((( ]

his warm tongue drives me crazy. i moan in pure bliss.

"imma c-cum," i whimper.

"cum for me, babygirl." he says.

i released on grayson's lower face, and he wiped it on his hands. he licked his hands and fingers clean.

"so. damn. good." his raspy voice said.

i blushed at his comment.

he positions himself at my entrance, before whispering in my ear. "is this your first time?" he asked.

i nodded, embarrassed. he kissed my forehead slowly. "it's okay. i'll go gentle baby." he said.

i let out a shaky breath. his tip entered me, and went further in. my nails dug in his back, and tears slipped from my eyes.

he pulled out quickly and rubbed my tears away. "oh my god are you okay?" he asked.

i don't know why he's being so caring, but i sure do love it.

"i'm fine. keep going. please."

"i don't want to hurt you." he brushes a few hairs from my face.


he gives in, and pushes himself in me again. i bite my lip as the pain fills me up. he grunts, "you're so tight, ugh"

the pain fades, and pleasure rises. i moan. "oh fuck yes grayson just like that"

he thrusts faster and i claw his back harder. i can guarantee there's gonna be blood.

the room is filled with skin slapping, and moans.

he grips my hips hard, forming a bruise.

beads of sweat form on his forehead, and he kisses my lips.

"i'm gonna cum," i groan, before cumming (is that a word?) on his dick. he pulls out and finishes himself off on my stomach.

he wipes the cum off my stomach and sticks his fingers in my mouth.

he lays next to me, and smiles. "that was great."

"for my first time, that was amazing."

he hugs my waist, before getting up to change. "my moms gonna be here soon."

the loss of his skin makes me groan, and i try to get up. but my legs feel numb and i can't get up.

i sit up shocked.

"grayson! i can barely move my legs!"

he chuckles.

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