✧ ouch - grayson

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you and grayson were fighting again. it's came to a conclusion that you two weren't right for each other. it was a daily thing, more like a routine of just fighting.

you were a emotional person, clingy and trustworthy. you have never dated someone and cheated on them.

you wanted to go on a trip, but grayson didn't want to go with. you thought it would be nice, you and grayson could feel the sparks you both felt when you guys both met.

graysons answer was a solid, no. you didn't want his opinion to stop you from doing your thing, so you went without him. you decided to go to hawaii.

you decided that you earned a bit of 'me time'. to relax on a beautiful, tropical island to find yourself.

now, you were in a luxurious hotel, and you just got of a nice, steamy shower. water droplets raced down your skin as your wrapped a fluffy towel around your body.

you quickly changed into something comfortable, and hopped into bed. you grabbed your phone and clicked it on. the first thing you read was a text from grayson.

grayson: how's
hawaii for you?

you smiled. were you and grayson actually about to have a nice conversation for once?

it's nice!

grayson: yeah well
it's pretty
nice here too.

you: oh okay?
i know,
l.a is cool!

grayson: no, i mean
it's nice cause
you're not here.

a frown fell upon your face.

you: wow okay

grayson: yeah,
you're bitchy ass
isn't here and
you can't nag
me around.

a tear slipped from your eye. you left california to relax and get away from the stress and fights for a bit, but that obviously didn't happen at all.

you: grayson
why have
you been
acting like this?
we used to be best friends
now you treat me
like shit. what did i
ever do to you?!
i love you.

grayson: i
don't love you.
you can die
and i couldn't
care any less.


sobs escaped your lips- im sorry i cant finish this imagine i'm crying like hurricane katrina right now and i feel as this imagine is too bad and mean for wattpad. i cant imagine and write that grayson bailey dolan is a horrible person and would ever say this. i'm sorry i'm not finishing this.


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