✧ gone girl (2) - grayson

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WARNING: this chapter contains the use of dangerous drugs. i am not promoting this at all. it's all for the sake of the story. i'm also dramatizing the effects of the drugs, this will most likely never happen in real life.


"gray, honey, i made dinner. i left it on the counter for you and ethan to eat. i'm going out to visit an old friend."

grayson lifted his pencil from off the paper. "okay mom, thanks." he said.

lisa sighed and walked further into his room. she placed a warm hand on his shoulder.

he quickly flinched and shut his journal. "mom," he groaned as he looked up at her. her eyes seemed to tell a story. she looked tired.

"be safe, gray." was her last words before exiting his room.

grayson carefully opened back his old, run down journal.

"dear y/n, i don't know what to say right now. sometimes i feel lost. god i'm going crazy. i really want to see you again."

"that's enough for today, i guess."

grayson quickly hid his journal under his pillow and walked downstairs.

he walked past ethan who was going back up to his room. they didn't say a word to each other. the only noise to be heard was their footsteps.

the brothers haven't made much conversation with each other ever since the death of y/n.

grayson took some food on a plate and sat down at the table alone.

meanwhile, ethan walked in the hallway, passing grays room. he stopped and examined his small dirty room.

ethan felt a dull feeling in his heart. he slowly stepped further in. he was hesitant to, since grayson always forbids him to go in.

he looked all around, until he saw a little book peaking out from under the pillow.

he looked back out in the hall, saw no sign of gray, and grabbed the book in his hands. he slowly opened it.

every page was filled from top to bottom. the first few pages had graysons old handwriting; neat.

but as ethan flipped more into the book he noticed graysons good handwriting slowly deteriorated. practically scribbles now.

ethan furrowed his brows as he tried to read what it said.

"day 106, y/n... today i felt extreme sadness..."

5 minutes passed by and he read more and more.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" grayson shouted from the door frame.

ethan shook at his voice. he gasped as he shut the book.

grayson rushed in and yanked the book from his hands. "get out." he whispered, not making eye contact.

"gray... i-"


a tear escaped ethans eye. he walked out with nothing else left to say.

grayson couldn't control his anger. he threw the boom forcefully at his wall, all the pages falling out with it.

"I HATE YOU!" grayson cried out.

ethan stood in his room frozen, shaking at graysons voice.

grayson stormed out his room and out the front door. "FUCK YOU ETHAN!" he slammed the door shut.

grayson pulled his hood over his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. he walked down the street and headed for town.

"GRAY!" ethan yelled from his window. "PLEASE! COME BACK!"

grayson paid no attention to him and continued walking.

( 1 hour later )

"stay safe." the man patted grayson on the back with a straight smile. he walked left and grayson walked right.

grayson walked out the alley, looking all around him. no one noticed him, and he started to walk fast.

grayson headed home, a tab of acid on his tongue.

yes. grayson bought acid. now, grayson would never do this. but he is not in a healthy mindset right now and he will do anything just to feel good. he slowly started to regret his decision with every step he took.

he soon arrived home 30 minutes later. still no sign of the LSD working. he walked into his home and headed to his room.

all the papers that were once all over his room were picked up and put back into his notebook. the book laid flat on grays desk, a piece of paper next to it.

"i'm sorry." - ethan.

grayson rolled his eyes and ripped the paper in half. he plummeted into his messy bed.

grayson stared at this ceiling, clicking his tongue.

"this shit doesn't even wor-"

and with those words, grayson saw his walls flash colors and drip down. his eyes grew big as he sat up, looking all around.

he stared at his colorful room glisten and glow with grace. he smiled.

his smile fell as his eyes found something he'd never thought he'd see ever again.


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