✧ remember me - ethan

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y/n's p.o.v;

it was 11 pm and i was about ready to go to sleep. i turned off my phone and got comfortable under the covers.

my eyes fluttered shut, and the only noise to be heard was my heater buzzing. my room smelt of lavender, as it helps you to fall asleep faster.

but, my relaxing moment ended. knocks came from my window, and my eyes shot open. it was ethan, he always does this.

i sat up, and looked towards my window. his face shown on the other side. he looked worried.

i got up and opened my window. "it's 11 pm, i have a test tomorrow, i don't really have time to talk." i said.

he got into my room without saying a word. ethan is my bestfriend, usually he'd say something funny or sarcastic, but not this time.

i shut my window as goosebumps rose on my skin. i shivered, and looked towards him. "is everything okay?" i asked.

he was pacing back and forth around my room, which frightened me. i walked up to him and placed a hand in his shoulder. he was now face to face with me, his breathing unsteady.

"uhm- y/n," he said, not making eye contact. i cocked and eyebrow. "yeah?" i questioned. his worried eyes met mine, then my lips.

the only source of light was from my fairy lights that were pinned against my wall.

his lips crashed into mine, making me stumble back a bit. i didn't kiss back, but when i finally did he pulled away.

"what was that for?" i said out of breath.

"remember me, and do NOT worry about me." was the last words he said.

he walked towards my window and opened it effortlessly, and hopped out. "wait ethan!" i called.

but his body faded into the darkness of night.

and that was the last time i ever saw ethan dolan.


i hope you
all are having
a good day.
sorry for
not posting
as actively
as i did

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