✧ back off 2 - both

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ethans p.o.v :

grayson was telling me to back off from y/n, when y/n calls me. my heart skips a beat and i press the green phone button.

"hey y/n!" i say. "hey eteeweetee!" she laughs.

"i wanted to talk to you about something, actually." she said, her cheery voice fading.

i rubbed my leather steering wheel with my thumb, nervously. "yeah...?"

"it's about grayson."

with her words, my heart ripped into two. i know what she's going to say. she's going to tell me she likes him.

"oh. what is it?" you could hear the hurt in my voice.

"well, he coming over, and i have a worried feeling."

my brain was spinning. "why?"

y/n sighed. "i know he likes me."

my breathed hitched as my stomach did back flips. "do you like him back?" i blurted.


"no." her voice cracked from the other end of the line.

a part of me was dancing with joy. the other half felt... guilty?

"and i feel bad." she sniffed.

my heart ached. i knew grayson was going to be hurt, and i don't want that to happen.

"a-and i don't know what to do like i just want to be friends with him" she cried. hearing her cry made me sad.

"aww shh baby, don't cry." i say. but, i gasp. i didn't mean to call her baby. i swear it just escaped on its own.

"i-i'm sorry i didn't mean to call you baby i swear i r-"

"ethan, it's fine." she giggles, interrupting my rant. i sigh with relief.

"i like it when you call me that." she confesses. i smirk to myself.


my dolan twins merch arrived! it arrived on the 15th of december, actually. i just can't wear it till christmas! i cri.

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