✧ never forget - ethan

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(y/n's p.o.v)

i woke up in my cold room. i sat up, looked all around, as if i was looking for someone. i sighed, and turned to look at the alarm clock. 7:23.

the cold sheets were placed upon my body, the ceiling fan circling around fast. the room was pale and white, the winter light peeking through my blinds.

i bit my lip, trying to remember something. i didn't know what to remember though. i turned to my nightstand and unplugged my phone from my charger. the date was revealed on my lock screen.

Saturday, December 16

i exhaled sharply. ethans birthday.

how could i forget? i instantly got up and got ready. i fixed my hair and slipped on some clothes, that weren't pj's, and put on my shoes. quickly, i got my bag and phone. i got my keys off the table and went out.

i walked down to the local florist, and smiled. "good morning! can i get some roses please?" i asked nicely, placing a crisp twenty dollar bill on the counter. the lady smiled. "of course!" she walked to the back and grabbed the flowers, handing the flowers to me. she took the cash.

"thank you!" i said, walking out.

i smelled the roses, and they smelt fresh and nice. ethan will love these.

then, i walked a few blocks. the cool morning air blowing through my hair, the birds chirping and trees dancing with the wind. today was a beautiful day.

finally, i arrived. i walked on the stone trail, pink trees on the side. i looked all around, and found it.

ethans grave.

i placed the flowers down next to the others, and smiled. "happy birthday, ethan."

i took a seat on the bench next to his grave. i would usually rant to him whenever i could, i knew he could hear me.

"so this morning, i almost forgot your birthday. but how could i? i could never forget. the love of my life's birthday, on a beautiful day." i waves my arms with a breeze. i smiled, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"well, that was my morning. how was yours?" i asked.

i saw ethan leaning on a tree not that far from me. a big toothy smile fell upon my face. he smiled back at me, waving. "well, my morning was great. i got to see you!" he laughed.

i was the only one who saw ethan, grayson or cameron couldn't see him.

"i miss you so much," i tapped the bench. he smiled and took a seat next to me, slinging an arm around me. "oh, i miss you more baby."


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