✧ people change - ethan

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two years ago ;

me and ethan are best friends and we know everything about each other. every little detail, every little secret. we do the dumbest shit, like going to walmart at 2 am or playing with the oujia board in an abandoned house. we're just stupid and that's how we're are.

ethan spends more time with me more than he does with his twin brother. his brothers name is grayson. they look identical but they act different. graysons more neat and sophisticated, while ethan is the opposite.

there hasn't gone a day where we haven't seen each other.

one year ago ;

i pick up my phone and text ethan. usually he replies fast, no longer than a minute. but now he takes about an hour to text me back. i'm not worrying though, he could be busy.

yeah, maybe he has changed a bit over a year. we don't facetime as much nor hang out like we did a year ago. but we still do those things.

me: can we talk?
        delivered 2:44 pm

i put my phone down on the table and wait for a text back.

30 minutes later

ethan: sure

almost immediately i text back.

me: over call?
        read 3:15

ethan calls me. i answer fast.

"hey ethan!" i exclaim. "heyy," he drags the 'y' a bit. before i can reply, he says, "so what did you want to talk about,"

i sit on my bed, "well, you."

"about me." ethan says more as a statement more than a question. "yeah." i said.

"okay, what is it,"

i sigh. "it's just that... you've been a big distant lately... and-"

"how?" ethan cuts me off.

i'm a bit taken back from the rudeness. i shrug it off.

"we don't hang out as much as we did in 2016... we don't call or text as much, you've kinda... changed."

ethan licks his lips, "okay, i'm sorry about that." he ends the call.

i sit on my bed, in silence.


we don't talk at all.

i'm heartbroken. he was my favorite human. he made felt loved. he was my bestfriend. i loved him.

remember when i said we shared all our secrets? yeah well those secrets aren't secrets anymore. ethan told everyone.

he told them everything. i don't even want to go into detail.

i'm not okay, but it's okay.

fake friends are a real waste of time and fake love is a real waste of life.

my purpose here on earth is... no purpose. i don't want to be here.

i don't even leave my house anymore. that's how embarrassed i am.

ethan used to make me smile now he makes me sick. he knows that i'm lost without him...

i've never felt something so real... the love he gave me was so genuine and beautiful and i thought it was true love. i guess not.

i called ethan to tell him how i feel... this is how it went.

"hey." i said without emotion.

"who's this?" ethan asked.


a flood of silence overcome the call.

"y/n." ethan said.

"why, ethan?"

he knew exactly what i was talking about.

"why what." he plays dumb.

"why did you do what you did? why did you play me? why did you leave me? why did you pretend to love me! why did you tell everyone every little detail about me? why? ethan. you broke me. when i hugged you, i felt like nothing could hurt me, i felt numb in a good way. when we hung out i loved every single moment of it. remember me? do you even? remember how i look like? remember how i used to love you? do you ethan?!" i cried.

ethan said nothing. he hung up.

i sobbed, i let everything out. i couldn't take this pain anymore. i wanted to be with him... i wanted to hang out with him and do all the stupid stuff.

it's currently 12 am.

i get a phone call from an unknown number.

"hello?" my voice cracks.

"i know you need space right now, i'm sorry i know it's late, but i got something to say,"

"it's going to be okay."

"all okay."

"who's this?" i ask.


the call ends.



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