✧ older brother - grayson

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y/n's p.o.v;

i walked to my bestfriends house, cameron dolan. she has two older brothers (pretend) named ethan and grayson. they're twins. they're 18 and cameron's 16.

i knocked on her wooden door and stepped back. i looked around her beautiful front yard, then the door swung open. it was her brother grayson, shirtless.

he looked me up and down and but his lip. "cameron! y/n's here!" he called, his eyes not leaving my body. i grew insecure.

cameron rushes down the stairs, almost tripping over her own feet. she pulls me into a big hug. (wish i had friends like this) "y/n!" she squealed. "i cant wait for this sleepover!" she added.

i smiled. "same!" we both walked in, grayson eyeing me, smirking. cameron jogged upstairs, me following. "i gotta show you something!"

- skip -

we both fell asleep on the huge recliner couch watching a movie. cameron was snuggled up in a blanket with popcorn in her hair. i woke up in the middle of the night to someone tapping me.

"w-what?" i asked, rubbing my eyes. the person grabbed my wrists. "shh, let's go." the voice was graysons. my eyes squinted as i adjusted to the darkness around me.

"what about cameron?" i whispered, getting up. "we'll be back," grayson pulled me away downstairs, opening the front door and closing it behind us quietly.

"where are we going?" i shivered, hugging myself. grayson handed me a sweatshirt and smirked, "take this, and we're going for a walk."

i slipped on the sweatshirt. "in the middle of the night? i'm so tired."

grayson shook his head. "why not?" he asked. i rolled my eyes. "it's the middle of the night, people don't usually go on walks at 3 in the morning."

"i'm literally still in my soft fuzzy socks," i said pouting to my socks. grayson chuckled. "real cute,"

"you're damn right it's cute," i laughed. we were walking on the side walk passing by their neighbors houses. "where exactly are we going?"

"shh, you ask to much questions."

i scoffed. "sorry," i pulled out my ponytail and shook my head lightly, letting my hair free. grayson was eyeing me secretly, but i knew.

"damn, forgot my phone." i said. grayson smiled. "we won't be gone for long," he took ahold of my hand. my heart rate sped up. his large hands entangled with my small ones.

"look, we're here." he said. i looked at the little park in front of us, with a sorta big patch of grass and a barbecue cook out area. we took a seat on the benches.

"so, dolan, what's the real reason you brought me out here?" i asked, our hands still together. i sensed that he blushed, but i couldn't really tell since it was dark out, the only source of light being street lamps.

"well, to do this," he pressed his lips against mine. the butterflies in my stomach fluttered. i kissed back, still shocked.

was this wrong? this is my best friends brother.


69th imagine ;)

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