✧ daddy - grayson

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one thing grayson feared about having kids was them calling him 'daddy'. he doesn't have a daddy kink, as he finds it disgusting.

your 4 year old son, named danny, waddled around the living room. you and grayson were cuddling on the couch watching tv.

"daddy!" danny screamed. he ran over to grayson and started slapping his legs. "daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy!"

you bite your lip to contain your laughter. grayson cringes as he pats his son on the back. "yeah, i'm your daddy," he says, in a painful way.

"i wuv it when you call me daddy," danny says out of the blue, causing grayson and you both to open your mouths. "what?" you asked.

"where did you hear that from?" grayson spat. danny giggles. "uncle ethan," he sheepishly said. graysons nostrils flared and his jaw clenched.

"uncle ethan is a dumbass," grayson murmurs under his breath. danny gasps. "daddy! don't call uncle ethan that."


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